There Is Only One Way

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Raffin didn't want to wait any longer. He asked Magus Ivys to lift the curse as soon as they returned to Slorista's palace. Magus Ivys agreed, but she needed to prepare, so they would do it after sundown.

When the time came, they gathered in the great hall. The most appropriate place to perform the ritual. Spacious and unfurnished, it would be easier to handle if something unexpected happened. There, Magus Ivys had just finished drawing a magic circle on the floor. It was small, only big enough for one person.

"Please enter the circle, Your Highness," Magus Ivys gestured.

Raffin stepped into the circle. Jacina and Ferula stood a few paces away from him. Their postures were alert, ready in case something unexpected happened.

Magus Ivys instructed Raffin to stand facing east and handed him the sacred candle. "Hold it in front of your chest with both hands," she said.

Raffin complied. He closed his eyes as he took deep breaths, trying to calm his heartbeat, which was beating twice as fast.

"Are you nervous?" Jacina asked.

Raffin opened his eyes to meet her gaze. He saw his hopes reflected in the queen's eyes. Jacina wanted this to work. And if this ritual worked, he would convince her to do the same.

"A little." Raffin smiled.

"You'll be fine. The worst that can happen is that you stay cursed." Jacina flashed a goofy smile that drew a laugh from Raffin.

He liked this free side of Jacina. Something Raffin had found hard to believe when he set her free. Back then, he suspected her every move, half convinced that all the smiles and friendliness she showed were just a mask. But when he remembered how Jacina greeted and talked to the people in the village they had gone to for breakfast five days ago, how she was as bright as the morning sun, he realized that this was the real Jacina. He also couldn't forget how relaxed and comfortable she was when they chatted in the library the other day. He wished he could spend time with her again.

"Thank you for the words of encouragement, Your Majesty," Raffin replied with the same goofy smile.

"Are you ready, Your Highness?" asked Magus Ivys, getting Raffin's attention back. He nodded, and the light wizard stood close before him, her boot tip half an inch from the circle's edge.

Magus Ivys moved her hands in a pattern. Up, down, around a few times, then stopped in a position where both palms faced him. The right one upright and the left one crossed underneath. Magus Ivys closed her eyes and chanted under her breath. When her lips stopped moving, a white flame burned in the candle. She opened her eyes and chanted again. The magic circles and symbols beneath Raffin's feet glowed. Magus Ivys moved her hand forward in slow motion. The white flame of the sacred candle lengthened and widened near Raffin's face. One swipe of Magus Ivys' hand and the flames engulfed Raffin.

He was prepared to feel hot, but he felt cool. The white flame touched his face, traveled down his neck, and continued down his body. Not for a moment did Raffin feel burned. Instead, he felt as if the fall breeze was caressing him. Raffin closed his eyes. His heart felt so peaceful. But as quickly as it had come, the breeze was gone. He opened his eyes. The candle in his hand extinguished, as did the light under his feet. An uninvited disappointment touched his mind.

"Your Highness?" Magus Ivys' voice woke Raffin. "Are you all right?"

Raffin shook his head. "I don't know. I feel nothing different."

Magus Ivys opened both hands and gestured for Raffin to return the candle. He gave it back to her and stepped out of the magic circle.

"So, how will we know if the ritual worked or not?" Ferula asked, one hand on her hip.

Silence. The three women in the room looked at Raffin with different expressions. Magus Ivys studied him. Her eyes narrowed like someone trying to read letters that were too small or too far away. Ferula tilted her head, studying him like a puzzle. While Jacina gave him a pensive look. She was not searching for answers, she knew the answers.

"There is only one way." In four quick steps, Jacina was standing in front of him, grabbing him by the scruff of his neck and pulling him close.

Their lips met and time seemed to stand still. Raffin could think of nothing else but the softness and warmth of Jacina's lips. He wanted to kiss her back, he wanted to feel more. He wanted to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer to him. But before he could, she fell.

Raffin caught her. Jacina's eyes were closed, her chest was still, not moving up and down like someone breathing. Raffin sat down on the floor and put Jacina's head on his lap. Ferula came over and sat down in front of him, while Magus Ivys stayed where she was.

"Is she dead?" Ferula asked.

Raffin could only nod. He held his breath, waiting for Jacina to come back to life. Raffin couldn't believe that Jacina had kissed him to prove that the curse still existed. He knew she did it because she wouldn't stay dead after kissing him. But it was still a sacrifice. She was willing to die again for him. Raffin couldn't help but hope Jacina might feel the same way. He brushed a few strands of hair away from her face and waited.

Jacina's body curled up as she took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and blinked a few times. "The ritual didn't work, did it?"

"No, Your Majesty," Ferula replied.

"It seems it only works on minors," Magus Ivys mused. "Children who are still innocent."

"Or untainted." Raffin helped Jacina to her feet. Their hand clasped. "So that's what Hotar meant: that he wasn't sure the sacred candles could help me. Because I'm not a child anymore," he muttered.

"We will search again tomorrow," Jacina said. "There are still many books we haven't searched yet."

"What if we don't find them?" Magus Ivys asked.

"We will look elsewhere. We will go to all the most powerful wizards in the world. I'll give them whatever they want, as long as they lift Prince Raffin's curse."

The hairs on the back of Raffin's neck stood up at Jacina's statement. If it was Ames who said that, Raffin could understand. Raffin knew how much Ames loved his family. He would do anything for them. But hearing Jacina say a sentence like that made something burst inside Raffin's chest.

"Now we should rest," Jacina continued.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ferula nodded.

As she left, she glanced at Raffin's hand, still holding Jacina's. She gave him a warning look. Jacina seemed to notice, because she let go of his hand.

"You too, Magus." Jacina turned to Magus Ivys, who was busy cleaning the magic circle with a cloth. "Let Jehann take care of it."

Magus Ivys stopped cleaning and put her things away. She said nothing as she left but gave Jacina a quick nod.

Neither Raffin nor Jacina spoke until Magus Ivys had disappeared down the corridor. Then they made a sound at the same time. The two fell silent, looked at each other, and laughed.

"You first." Raffin gestured.

Jacina smiled grimly and looked down. "Too bad the ritual didn't work."

"Yes." Raffin cleared his throat. "Next time...if we find another way, will you kiss me again to prove it works or not?"

Jacina giggled. "You expect that, don't you?"

Raffin chuckled as he rubbed his neck. "I wasn't, but now I am."

To Raffin's surprise, Jacina's face turned serious in an instant. "Someone has to prove that the curse is gone. Who else can do it without sacrificing their life but me? I hope you think nothing of it. Good night, Prince Raffin," Jacina said with a stiffness, putting some distance between them.

"Good night, Your Majesty," Raffin replied and bowed with the same formality. His heart sank. But if this rejection had something to do with the curse Jacina was suffering from, there was nothing Raffin could do but accept it. For now.

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