It All Happened So Fast

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Ostelux and the world were free from the curse of eternal darkness, but Raffin was not yet free from his brother's ban. Ames suspended the search for Alani when the cursed creatures appeared. Today, Ames arranged for the search to resume. Until they found Alani, Raffin could not leave the palace. The king even threatened to punish anyone who let Raffin out. So, Raffin busied himself in the palace. He began by summoning Magus Uxar to heal the claw wounds on his face. But the Grand Wizard was too tired to use magic. So he sent his apprentice.

Magus Ivys brought her palm to Raffin's face. He closed his eyes as warm white light poured from her palm.

"It is done, Your Highness," Magus Ivys said after a while.

Raffin touched his face. No more scratches. "Thank you, Magus."

"No problem, Your Highness. Now excuse me to check on the others."

Raffin nodded and the light wizard turned to leave but stopped and bowed.

"Ames said you injured." Issa rushed over to Raffin. She held Raffin by both shoulders and looked him up and down with a worried look.

"Prince Raffin is well now, Your Majesty," Magus Ivys said. "I have healed his wounds."

Issa sighed in relief. She released Raffin and turned to Magus Ivys. "Thank you, Magus. You may leave."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"The creature just clawed at my face," Raffin said. "Nothing serious."

Issa sat down beside him. "That's easy for you to say," she scolded. "When I found out you'd disappeared from the palace, I was worried to death about you. I imagined the worst had happened to you. Either you desperately tried to find Alani, or Alani found you and hurt you. Then you returned with Queen Jacina and again disobeyed your brother's orders not to fight. Then Ames told me you were wounded in battle. Can you imagine how I felt? What if your wound was severe and Magus Uxar or Magus Ivys could not heal it?"

Raffin looked down in guilt. "I apologize for worrying you. I didn't mean to. I just wanted to help free Ostelux from the curse of eternal darkness."

"I know." Issa took Raffin's hand and held it. As she had always done since Raffin was a child, whenever Raffin made a mistake and tried to apologize. Raffin found peace in Issa's touch. He had never felt a mother's touch, but Raffin was sure it felt like one.

"And you did the right thing," Issa went on. "I just wish you had told me first."

"Would you have allowed me to free Queen Jacina if I told you first?"

"Perhaps, if I heard your reasons."

Raffin raised his face, his eyes wide. "You wouldn't forbid me, like Ames?"

"I know you very well, Raffin. In fact, I know you better than I know my son."

Raffin smiled. "The crown prince is unpredictable. Much like his father."

"So you know my pain."

Both laughed. When it subsided, Issa continued, "You may be your parents' last child, but to me, you are my first. And that's how I raised you: as a firstborn, full of responsibility and thinking of others. You're not a thoughtless person. Every single thing you do is always thought out. If you make a mistake, you always try to correct it. You're a determined person. That part of you is just like Ames. If you think Queen Jacina can help us, I'm sure you have a good reason and have thought through all the consequences. You know I always have your back, right?"

Raffin nodded.

"Promise me you won't worry me like this again."

"I promise."

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