Cursed With You

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Jacina enjoyed her breakfast in her room. Malyn fed her. Raffin pulled out a chair and sat down next to the bed. Ferula stood in front of Jacina and explained what had happened to her body after the soul-splitting ritual.

"You will feel weak for one to three days," she said. "That's okay. It means that the new soul is adjusting to your body. And since you are essentially dead, every single thing that was attached to your soul while it lived in your body is gone. So, you have no magic anymore. The same law applies to the new soul. Since you have half of Raffin's soul, the two of you are bound. If one dies, the other dies. And as for the curse that Raffin had, you now have it too, Your Majesty."

"The kiss of death?" Jacina asked to confirm.

Ferula nodded. "That's right, Your Majesty."

Raffin hadn't expected that. He wanted Jacina to have a second chance, but now he ruined it by sharing his curse with her. "I'm sorry, Jacina."

Jacina raised a hand, stopping Raffin. "I wish to speak to Prince Raffin alone."

Ferula bowed and left. Malyn cleared the plates and glasses on a footed tray, placed them on the table, followed Ferula, and closed the door.

"Come here." Jacina patted the mattress beside her.

Raffin got up from the chair and sat at her side. She took his hand and smiled at him with sparkling eyes.

"You shouldn't apologize," she whispered.

"But I—"

"Shh!" Jacina put a finger to his lips. "I should be the one to thank you." She lowered her finger, but Raffin could still feel her touch on his lips.

"You gave me half your soul," Jacina went on. "Risked your own life. Made me an ordinary human again. You freed me twice. From my prison and from my despair. You gave me hope and a chance at a new life. Even if it means we share a curse, I don't mind. I'm willing to be cursed with you."

Raffin's brow furrowed. "You are?"

Jacina nodded. "Did you mean what you said before I died?"

"That I loved you? Of course I meant it."

"Say it again."

"I love you."


"I love you. I love you. I love you. Still not enough?"

Jacina chuckled. Her cheeks flushed. "I'm not dead from your declaration of love." She cupped his face. "And I won't die from your kiss."

Jacina led Raffin closer. He understood her intention but hesitated when their lips almost touched.

"Are you sure?"

"If I die," she whispered, her sweet breath touching his face. "You die too. We'll still be together."

Raffin's doubts vanished, and he closed the distance between them. Jacina's lips were still as soft as he remembered. But this time, they were warmer and more certain. She kissed him back, and he felt like the pieces of a puzzle coming together after being scattered for so long. His heart had become whole.

Jacina was the first to pull away, her eyes slowly opening. "See? We're fine."

"How can that be?"

"Because we are one. If someone else kissed us, they'd die. But if we kiss each other, nothing will happen."

"Then there will be no problems." Raffin lowered his eyes to Jacina's thin lips. "Because I don't want to kiss anyone but you."

Jacina's hand slid to Raffin's neck and pulled him close. Their lips met again. Raffin could feel every emotion Jacina had poured into him. He did the same. Hoping that every movement of his lips conveyed a deeper feeling than 'I love you.'

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