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BONUS chapter sponsored by Anonymous ❤️


When I said I want to catch him off guard I didn't mean for things to be this extreme... But I'll take what I can get so I stand there looking at them after ruining what could have been their happy ending. I can't put a finger on what it is that I'm feeling but it's definitely mixed with annoyance, so this is what he's been busy with while I was stuck being his mother's handbag. I know reporting him will not bear any fruits, I'll be dismissed after being told that he's a man and I should make sure he is always satisfied so he doesn't go out seeking warm thighs of other women, I need to drive this in the direction I want.

"What the hell! Who the hell are you?" the lady asks with an angry tone as Tirhani rushes to get her off him like he wasn't enjoying the weight of her body just seconds ago.


I compose myself as I walk closer to his table and place my expensive handbag on one of the visitors chairs then I look at him as he fiddles trying to fix himself. She on the other hand is just standing there in her red lingerie, one hand on her waist and an angry bear face. I bet she wishes she could make me disappear,not just in his office but life completely, she must be the girlfriend, a fling wouldn't be this upset.

"She's my wife," He answers calmly while looking at me and she scoffs, clearly unhappy with his response. I on the other hand cannot get ahold of what it is that I'm feeling and this man has the calmest face on. There's a lot of emotions threatening to tilt the lid off and come pouring down but I refuse to let him reduce me to that. No one here will be seeing me get upset over a cheating husband, I'll be damned.

"And what the hell is she doing here? Didn't you say she knew her place?" This gets me to raise my eyebrow and look at the man who told this to her, what does he think this is? She then turns to me "Hey, sesi. What do you want here when you're supposed to be in the rural playing makoti?"

"I'm here to see my husband, I thought that would be obvious." I use my calmest voice. 

"You disturbed us," She throws me a filthy look.

"You should have checked if the door was locked. Are you that careless in the workplace?" my eyes direct my question to the husband. Clearly this girl was sold some sort of arrangement, hence she has the strength and voice to be exchanging words with me right now, her man enabled her and I'm not about to become a part of this circus, he's the one I came to speak to, not her.

" You bitch-"

" Excuse me, have we met before? "I ask her.

" No, "

" Then why are you calling me a bitch? It's not like I once fucked your father or something, don't try to fight for your spot in his life by insulting me,it won't work,"

" The nerve-"she starts but I cut her off already feeling exhausted by her mere presence.

" I'd like to not continue exchanging words with your mistress anymore. She needs to leave, "I wasn't going to be nasty but I'm just throwing back what she's giving me. As I've already expressed that I like to let people set the tone first, then I follow suite...and yes, I'm challenging the dear husband here to see which way he will sway just for the kick of it.

"Excuse me, who are you calling a mistress?" she asks with a tone laced with so much offense.

" Amanda, go. "he speaks.

" But-"

" Leave, I'll call you. "He says again, this time his tone a bit more threatening and she obeys. She picks up her oversized  black leather jacket and puts it on while throwing daggers at me, so she can't backchat her man but she can glare at me, the poor and innocent, and apparently rural worthy wife?

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