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He's been quiet. I'm not saying that Musa and I speak everyday but it's been a while now so I did the decent thing and tried to check on him. I tried calling him once, it rang until it sent me to voicemail but I didn't leave a message. My pride however, won't let me send him a message, I called him yesterday so by now he should have seen my missed call, if he's alive...I hope he's alive.

This is the part where I have to implement the fact that our relationship is purely physical and I have no sense of ownership to him but I think that if he's not laying in a coma or grave somewhere he should also be decent enough to return my call, even if it's to tell me that he's had his fill with me and would like to move on now, we don't owe each other any long term thing, we both understood this arrangement.

The lady I'm working with from his office arrives and I'm glad when she arrives because I can indirectly check from her whether he's still breathing or not.

"Hey, welcome," I say and she offers her usual smile.

"Thank you, sorry for making you wait. It was quite busy on the road,"

"Not a problem. I thought Musa was making you work hard over there," I even offer a chuckle to hide my true intention.

"Oh no, he only came in the morning then left after saying he wouldn't be back for the rest of the day,"

"Oh, I see,"

Well, there we have it. Mr. Mkhari is alive and kicking. It's time for me to switch off my thoughts of him.

We continue with our planned meeting and the day proceeds as normal as it can. It is in the late afternoon when Tirhani asks me to meet him at a restuarant at six in the evening. Him and I don't do these kind of things, we don't just go out to dine in a restuarant unless we need to formally get in the role of Mr. and Mrs. Baloyi so I decide to call him to find out what it's about.

"Mrs. B," he says when he answers.

"Hey, what's up? Do you have a meeting or something?"

"Something like that, it requires your presence,"

"Did you just find out now?"

"No," He hesitates "not necessarily,"

"This is short notice, usually you tell me these things in advance, Tirhani," not that I had any plans but I think everyone will agree that timing does matter, now I need to prepare myself emotionally to go dine with his work people.

"I know and I apologize, it just popped up and I said you will be there, do me this one favor? I'll owe you," he pleads and I sigh, knowing I'll have to agree. This is what I signed up for when we got married, to always present a united front when he needs me to, especially when it has to do with his work.

" Fine, you'll forward me the details, "

" It's nothing too fancy, just bring yourself as you were dressed this morning,"

"We won't be traveling together?" normally we pull up together to make this even more believable.

"No, not tonight. I'll have to get there early but text me when you are outside and I'll come get you,"

"Alright, see you then," I end the call and make a mental note to go home a bit early to touch up on my look. It's not like him to forget to let me know about these kind of meetings but it's a first so I'll let him off the hook.

I continue with what I get paid for until it's time to clock out and I decide to pass by Rhu's office but he's also out for the day so I head out so I can make a stop at home first.

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