Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Arthit and Todd were making mad dashes around town, trying to fix the problem that John's greed had caused the entire company. John and his pension for cutting corners and deceiving others for his own personal gain had the entire company in deep shit with one of its products. More specifically, the product the company chose to produce from the contest and Todd and John won. Arthit knew that Todd was feeling pressure because he felt it was his fault for believing everything John told him.

Now they were back at the office with no manufacturer able to help them produce the product that have been shipped back to the company after many consumers already declared it faulty. Arthit wasn't sure what he could do and was feeling the weight of the pressure when Kongpob came into the office and went to speak with Danai. Everyone was curious as to what the intern could possibly be speaking about with Danai and curiosity only intensified when they came out of the office and Danai looked relieved.

"We found a supplier! Kongpob was able to get in contact with a supplier that can start supplying parts immediately. But Arthit and Todd, you have to go meet him at his home immediately with all the paperwork so the company can start working on it," Danai announced.

Arthit was in shock as to how Kongpob was able to arrange such a thing when he and Todd literally went to all the companies they could think of.

"Alright, let's go Mr. Sun," Todd said, hurrying out of the office. Arthit followed and Kongpob was close behind him.

"Kongpob, who did you call?" Arthit asked him.

"You'll see P'Arthit," Kongpob replied solemnly. I just hope you wont be too m—"

"Come on Mr. Sun!" Todd called back to him.

"I'll see you later Kongpob. And go home. You shouldn't be here so late."

Arthit continued along with Todd, letting Todd drive them. Arthit wasn't surprised at the big house they ended up pulling up to because he assumed the owner would be well off if the company was popular.

They were let inside the gate and Todd drove up the driveway to the main house. Arthit was prepping his mind to say the right things and make sure he showed his gratitude on behalf of the company especially because this project wasn't a task normal companies did on a whim. When they got to the door, Arthit barely knocked before it was opened.

"P'Lee?" he asked, his mouth starting to hang open.

Lee bowed to him slightly then opened the door further to let him inside. Arthit had no clue what was going on and it only became worse when Kerrkalai walked into the large living room.

He smiled warmly at Arthit but other than that, he conducted himself as if he didn't know who Arthit was. He stayed professional, looking through the contracts and paperwork before signing off on them. It was only when Todd went to use the bathroom that Kerrkalai looked at him.

"Kongpob told me it was you who'd be coming and that you'd be most likely upset that we kept this secret from you," Kerrkalai said. Arthit looked up at the large family portrait that included Kong.

"Why keep it a secret?" Arthit mumbled.

"Being who we are, we told Kong that he doesn't have to tell anyone who his parents are. In fact, he never wants to bring it up because it makes people look at him differently. I can imagine your frustration though. But don't be too harsh on any of us."

"I told him I didn't like when he keeps secrets like this," Arthit whispered.

"I'm sorry son," Kerrkalai said softly.

Arthit now knew how Kongpob managed to get that project completed that John nearly screwed Arthit over with. Now Arthit knew how Kaiya was able to get Kongpob into Ocean Electrics. Everything was starting to make sense.

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