chapter 2

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7-year-old Raven woke with a start something had woke her but what. Raven looked around her tiny room looking for the culprit. When she heard it how could she forget her aunt's yapping shrill voice.
"Get up girl!"
"Are you up yet?"
Raven  syed as she rolled out of bed.
"Yes and petunia coming." The young girl called out and she finished getting dressed and oversized skirt and a torn shirt that once belonged to her cousin Dudley.

Loud footsteps could be heard coming down the steps above her room. which really wasn't a room at all, it was just the broom closet in between the kitchen and the living room.

It had been nearly 6 years ,since the dursley's woke up to find their 15-month-old niece amongst the milk cartons on their front porch.

Raven walked into the kitchen to see her aunt who was smothering her cousin Dudley with kisses and hugs for today was Dudley's 8th birthday.
"Mind the breakfast girl and don't burn it! If it burns your uncle won't hear about it."
"Yes aunt petunia."
Just as Raven was placing the last of the breakfast on the table her uncle walked in.
"Dudley my boy. How are you this fine morning." Uncle Vernon asked as he sat down to eat.
"When we are gone today you are to clean up the attic."
Raven was confused she's never been allowed to go to the attic before.
" You're aunt has told me that she thinks you are getting to big for the room you are in now and I don't want you anywhere near Dudley so you can have the attic."
Uncle Vernon said.
Trying to mask her excitement Raven Potter was anticipating the time for which they were to leave.


Raven thought to herself.
After eating her food and climbing the stairs into the attic, Raven looked around a lot of boxes and dust covered everything.
As she moved things around she made sure she placed them in to piles like baby clothes and toys that Dudley out grew or photos of dead family members.
And broken objects that patunia didn't want to get rid of.

After dusting everything she and placing the boxes in to her old room.she went back to the attic and looked around in the corner of the room was a desk and a bed frame to the opposite side. With some work she finished cleaning up the attic. Before looking around the other boxes most of the boxes were labeled as school supplies.

She opened up a box that had Dudley's old school books in it. She placed the books on a shelf by the desk in the corner.
Some boxes were books of different subjects like math and language arts some even had books on different languages like French or Spanish but her most favorite books were the ones she found in a chest labeled Hogwarts.
She found a lot of different books on subjects she's never even heard of before
Like potions, charms, transfiguration, care of creatures and a lot more.
She realized that there was a letter in the chest with the books.

My dearest baby girl
I am your mother Lilly and if you are reading this then that means we as in your father and I didn't make it through the war. Our secret keeper was a man named Peter pettagrw. And if Voldemort had found us he is the only person who can give out the information to anyone else.
In side of this chest are books on magic, yes you read that correctly I said magic. And if you were placed with my sister and her family than you would have been taught that it isn't. This chest is a seven layer trunk. The layout is of the following
1) books from my seven Years  at Hogwarts School for witch craft and wizardry.
2) farm land that produces one hundred acres of crops of your choice and if you have seeds at the present time only wheat is being produced.and a silo will be added for each crop you grow.
3) fields and two barns that are empty.
4) a quidditch pitch you can thank your father and God fathers for that one
5) The training room magic can't be detected there
6) a library of all the books the potters own myself included
And last but not less
7) a study room that never runs out of supplies along with a full bathroom
Please use it well.
You're mother and father love you so much little one never forget that. P..s if you place your finger onto the trunk and say "tiny" it will shrink.

Looking from the letter to the trunk she opened the last layer of the chest and climbed down the ladder.
She was in a small greeting room.
Opening the door in front of her was a beautiful room with a window that over looked the whole one hundred acres of land that at the present time was growing five  acres of orchard and the rest was growing wheat.
The room was beautiful and easily the most amazing she had ever seen.
The room was done like a galaxy themed most furniture was blue with golden Stars or gold plating. On one wall was a couch that looked like a day bed, there were some shelves that had different colored crystals and other items on them a desk was next to the window and had a planetarium on it with a moon and stars hanging off of the planets. A telescope was just in front of the window also done in blue and gold a chair and coffee table was off to the opposite side of the room along with a door that led to the bathroom also done in the same galaxy theme.
Raven couldn't believe that this was all for her she wanted to cry. Going to the self she found a book labeled ruins for beginners and left the trunk.
"Tiny." She whispered as she placed the now small match box sized chest in the desk drawer.
Just as uncle Vernon's car pulled in to the driveway.

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