chapter 7

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Over the next four years Raven and her friends had learned a lot about themselves, and each other. Classes were doing great and now the four 15-year-olds had even more friends than when they first started Hogwarts. Surprisingly Neville was the first to join their group and then Luna lovegood a first year ravenclaw, Susan bones was next.
And a couple of first-year Slytherins Marcus Flint's little sister Emily, and a shy little boy by the name of Zachary thatch.
Everything was going great for this new found friendship. In the second year everyone found out about Raven being able to talk to snakes. Ron Started accusing her of being the heir of Slytherin. Even if it was true! That same year Raven found out that Thomas marvelo riddle her mother's father was actually Lord of Voldemort. Ginny disappeared for a while before being found in the chamber of secrets underneath the girls' bathroom. Almost being eaten by a huge freaking snake.
and the defense against the dark arts professor went crazy after obliviating himself with a broken wand that somehow ended up in his hand.
In third year Ravens godfather/adopted father ended up escaping from jail. Which led to the whole shakedown with madam bones to get Sirius a fair trial. And with the letter Raven's mother had left for her the man was declared innocent of all charges and awarded 10 million gold coins from the ministry of magic.
Also in that same year Ramus Lupin  another one of Raven's godfathers was the defense against the dark arts professor, he ended up being a werewolf but of course Mr Malfoy already knew that. But when the student's parents found out they were furious and so Ramus had to leave Hogwarts.
In fourth year a huge tournament happened between the three major schools. This year was quite peaceful really. Since Voldemort came back in Raven's second year, her name wasn't put down in the goblet of fire to participate in the tournament. The only thing that sucked about that year was that there was no quidditch, but that didn't mean she couldn't fly around the pitch.
That was also the year she realized that what she felt for Charlie Weasley wasn't just some school girl crush. You see Charlie was at Hogwarts for the tournament that year because it required dragons and who was more successful with that then the dragon rangers from Romania. She even asked him to go to the Christmas ball with her that year and he said yes.
And finally this year, it started off horribly wrong. Albus Dumbledore somehow came back from wherever he disappeared to. And started to wreak havoc on everybody that he thought was dark or going dark. Which included Raven, Sirius black, and anybody associated with them.
Which is how we got to where we are now in the ministry of magic fighting with two different forces. Albus dumbledore's forces. And the death eaters.
Raven was lured to the ministry of magic because Albus Dumbledore ended up having Sirius black in his grasp. And before long the fight ended up in the death chamber in the department of mysteries.
Raven and Charlie were fighting with  longbottom and bones. Draco was fighting with his dad and Luna. And Theo was with the rest of the kids who came to support us.
When Raven got too close to the archway that held some sort of blue liquid in the center, Dumbledore ended up using a spell to throw her in. The only one near her at the time of impact was her father Sirius. Which ended up both being sent through the archway and disappearing along with the blue liquid. As she fell she could hear Charlie yelling out her name.

Raven woke with a start and looked around the dark room she used her wand for light.
"Daddy, Daddy!" She yelled as she pushed into his side to try and get him to wake up.
Sirius woke up and looked around the room finding a computer of sorts he asked.
"What do you think this is?"
"It's probably a terminal. Maybe to get this thing running?" Raven replied.
"Yeah but I don't see any way to get it to turn on."
Raven and Sirius black decided to look around. the area where Raven discovered the observation deck. "Daddy it's a ship!" She exclaimed with excitement. Sirius came in to see what she was yelling about only to find what she was talking about. " Space the final frontier." He jokes as they both sat down on the bench looking out of the window as the different colors flew by.
"What's going to happen to us Daddy?"
She asked
"I'm not sure princess. But first things first we need food and water."
"Well I always have Moms trunk on me at all times. So good and water isn't going to be a problem."
Going room by room. Raven and Sirius found crew quarters. Bathrooms and other rooms they weren't to sure about.
But one room in the front of the ship just called out to them. It was a big beautiful room with the one hole wall as a window so you could see outside into the great beyond.
Within just a few hours Sirius had made the room theirs. On one side of the room just in front of the window he placed two full size beds one in red and the other in green. Off to the side he placed a desk and chair to work upon. And also a few shelves that had some books on it.
Days had turned into weeks before Sirius decided that it was time for Raven to start studying again. And so she reread all of her school course book starting with potions all five books were studied so that if Sirius had asked about the propertys of any given material she can give a detailed answer about what would happen if you mix it with others.
And that was followed by charms and transfiguration and care of magical creatures defense against the dark arts so on and so forth.
It wasn't long before she started on her 6th year books that her mother had left her along with some other books inside the library chamber.
And before she knew it 4 years had passed since she and Sirius had been on this forsaken ship. Raven had missed her best friends. She missed Hedwig but most of all she had missed Charlie.

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