chapter 4

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The escape of the boa constrictor gave Raven the longest punishment the Time she was aloud out of the attic again. The summer holidays started and Dudley had already broken his new go pro, crashed his remote control airplane, and on the very first time out on his new racing bike ran over Mrs. Figgs as she was crossing the street.
One day in July aunt petunia had taken Dudley to London to buy his smeltings uniform, leaving Raven with Mis.figg turns out she had broken her leg tripping over one of her many cats.
The next day Vernon had made Raven get the mail.
A postcard from uncle Vernon's sister marge.who was on vacation to an island Raven didn't care to remember. A brown envelope that looks like a bill. And a letter for Raven. Raven picked it her heart was racing no one other than her mother had ever written her a letter.yet here it was. Written in emerald green ink.
Ms. R, Potter
The attic
4 privet drive
Little whining
"Hurry up girl. I don't have all day."
Uncle Vernon ripped the bill up with disgust. Before flipping over the postcard.
"Marge is ill she ate something funny...."
"Dad! Dad, Ravens got a letter!" Dudley said as he stole it right out of her hands.
" Easy child Who would be writing to you?."  Uncle Vernon said.
"Hogwarts School!" Raven said as if it was the only explanation.
Uncle Vernon and aunt petunia were in shock. looking down at the envelope in his hand uncle Vernon was going to get rid of it.
"And how do you know about that school?"
Aunt patunia asked with the most strict looking face. " When you gave me the attic my mother's school trunk was in there."
She said as if the conversation was an everyday occurrence.
"Oh and if I don't reply there just going to send some one out to check on me. All you have to do is take me to gringotts and then I won't be your problem anymore."
Because I'm Never Coming Back Here Ever
Raven thought.
Aunt petunia syed as she grabbed her purse.
"Well go get your stuff! I will only give you five minutes." Aunt patunia said as she walked out the door.
The Black and red haired girl ran upstairs and grabbed all her stuff before shrinking her trunk and getting into the car.
An hour later found Raven standing outside of a pub called the leaky cauldron. Raven walked into the pub it was packed with witches and wizards most older in age and had missing teeth and bad breath.

"Excuse me can you help me into the alley please."
The bar keep looked at her and moved to the back beckoning for to follow.

"Welcome Ms.Potter to diagon alley."

Before she could ask him how he knew her name he was gone.
She turned back to the alley way just as it finished opening the first thing she saw was people every which way going to and coming from different shops and alleys.
As she passed the shops she saw a book shop, apothecary, and a broom shop.
Raven thought.
Reaching her designation she walked right in front of a teller.
"Hi my name is Raven Potter and my aunt said that you could help me with my account."
" Well Ms. Potter we will have to do a inheritance test first to make sure that you are who you say you are that will be 50 USD." The goblin said. Raven reached into her pocket and pulled out the money her aunt had given her.
I different goblin came over and escorted her to an office in the back of the bank.
" Ok Ms. Potter I will need some blood for this to work." The goblin said.
"Sure." She said with a small smile on her face as if the goblin didn't frighten her at all.
The goblin was amazed by her innocence and pure heart. He took some blood and had her place her finger in a purple color potion before smering it on to some parchment.

Inheritance test for Raven Potter

Mother Lilly Potter nee Evens
Father James Potter
God parents
Sirius Black blood adoption wrongfully incarcerated Azkaban
Remus Lupin
Marauders Cabin in the woods
Severus Snape
Hogwarts School
Alice longbottm
Long turm care hospital
Grand parent
Dora Potter nee black (father)
Charles Potter (father)
Thomas marvalo Riddle (mother)
Sally Selwyn (mother)

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