chapter 8

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Hermione Granger stood in front of the archway within the chamber of secrets.
For the last 2 years since she graduated from Hogwarts, she has been in and out of this very room. She wasn't the only one who came here though, all of her friends did too. Draco came by at least once every two weeks. Turns out Draco was actually her cousin! She had always known she was adopted but never knew who her biological parents were. Turns out her mother was Bellatrix lestrange. Can you believe that? Theodore nott her closest confidant and surprisingly or not so surprisingly her fiance. He came by at least once a month. Charlie Weasley who had lost the love of his life through the veil, had only visited the room no more than 10 times in the last 4 years. Hermione comes here often she works as an unspeakable here in the ministry of magic. She's been studying the archway in her spare time ever since.

"Hey Hermione."
The voice of a very familiar redhead said.
As the man set on the stairs upon which the archway sat.
"I joined the military 2 years ago and they're sending me to the US. I just came to say goodbye. To all of you."he had whispered the last part, almost as if he was saying a prayer. Or talking to a ghost.
I've already talked to Draco and Theodore. they don't really agree with what I'm doing but it's something I need to do, or I might just break apart. I leave in a few days. And wanted everybody to get together one last time."
"I understand Charlie I do and the rest of us will be here waiting for you when you come home." Hermione said with tears streaming down her face.
Later that night after dinner Hermione got a call from her cousin Eli Wallace. he needed her to come by to help him with a math equation that he just couldn't seem to get right.
And so Hermione was the first to leave the dinner. When she got to her cousin's house she wasn't expecting that Eli would be sitting at his computer playing a video game.
"Really Eli I thought you needed my help with math?"she said with a very disappointed look on her face.
"No I do this is the math equation right here."Eli had said pointing at his notebook with different dialects of ancient ruins skittered all around the page.
"Eli!"Hermione explained. "Where did you find this equation. These ancient ruins. I can't be the same ones."Hermione's voice had trailed off into a whisper. How did her cousin know about these ruins?
Analyzing the math problem Hermione set set to work on the problem itself giving Eli the answer that he was looking for.
A few days later there was a knock on Hermione's front door. Eli was standing upon her porch with two very seriously looking men.
"Eli what's going on here?"Hermione had asked as she allowed the three men into her home.
"Are you Hermione Granger Eli Wallace's cousin?" Asked the older man in military uniform and dark sunglasses.
"I was adopted but yes." "The same Hermione Granger who solved a math problem written in a different language?" the other man had asked. "My name is colonel Jack O'Neal." the military officer said."And this is my friend Nicholas Rush."for some reason Hermione just didn't seem to like this guy he gives her a weird vibe."yeah Eli and I solved the problem but nothing happened."she said. "Shouldn't something have happened like winning the game or something?"
"We're here. Aren't we?" Just than Theodore and Draco walk into the door.
"Hello! Can we help you?"Theodore had asked the men. Most surprisingly, In a respectful manner.
"Mr.Nott Mr. Malfoy a pleasure to see you again." Rush said as he shook the two young men's hands.
Hermione gave them a look that asked what was going on.
"Rush is the step son of the prime minister."
She gave a small mod of understanding. " Ok. Just let me grab my bag." She said. Theodore, and Draco did the same. And wrote a letter to their parents.
"We are ready so where are we going."
"Well Ms. Granger we're already here."
Hermione gave a snort." How can we be there when we just left my apartment."
She said as she turned around.
" Ok so Hermione and Eli will need to watch this movie. Before we begin."
After watching the movie. Almost a dozen times Hermione came out with tears rolling down her face. She knew the ruins were the same.
" I will do it under two conditions one my fiance Theodore and my cousin Draco come with. And two, a newly appointed officer in the US military by the name of Charlie Weasley I want him to help me with my work if that works for you."

"Yes sir. I'm ready to.... Hu what the hell is going on here."
The red haired man said as he turned around to look at everyone. "Hermione! Is this your doing?."
The twenty year old girl just shook her head.
" Mr. Weasley congratulations you have been promoted." Colonel O'Neill said as he gave him a uniform and told him to change.
Two weeks later the planet was being attacked by aliens.
And the gate was now opened.
Hermione didn't let the three boys know about the star gate. She didn't want to get there hopes up just in case they didn't find their sister.
Over the course of a week Hermione Eli and Doctor Rush finally found the code needed to open the gate, but at first it didn't work. Every one though it wasn't going to. But Hermione thought what if this place wasn't where the Stargate is supposed to be. And so Rush decided to open the Stargate with a new address, making Earth this starting point instead of Icarus.
It had worked a stable wormhole.
The base was under attack, and the only way to escape was through the black  was through the black  was through the black  was through the gate. And so a bit over a hundred people jumped through the Stargate to the other side Hermione and the three men included.
Once on the other side Hermione was already in love with this place.
She and Raven had talked about going to the stars one day and now she was here.
Looking around a bunch of people were hurt. She and Draco had looked them over to make sure they were ok. The worst of them was the colonel, Everett Young.
But rush, Rush was nowhere to be found.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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