chapter 5

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The day was September 1st and Raven met Hermione at the entrance of kings crossing. Where they walked onto the platform 9 and 3/4. The two preteen girls found a spot to sit and talk about everything that happened in the past week that Hermione was gone.
Just when a red head came in and asked if he can sit with them. " I'm Ron by the way Ron Wesley. I have a lot of siblings. This is my pet scabbers." Hearing that name sent Raven mad. She grabbed her trunk and left the compartment with Hermione on her heels. They found a new compartment with a few other first years.
Hermione and Raven were talking with the other three kids in their compartment when half passed twelve a smiling old lady slid back the door and asked."anything off the trolley dears." The blonde slick haired boy bought some so Raven thought it would be alright for them to get some as well. "Hermione did you want something I'm going to get some sandwiches and I think I'll also get three boxes of every flavor jelly beans and five chocolate frogs." Hermione got up and got herself some licorice wands and pumpkin pastries. Before sitting back down. The others left the compartment to find friends that they grew up with. So they had some time to read Raven was reading a book on ancient ruins.and Hermione was reading Hogwarts a history. As the train was pulling up into the station Raven called out to her friend and said she was going to be either in ravenclaw or Slytherin. And hopes she will join me in the house.
"First years over here line up no more than four to a boat." A giant of a man called out he was easily three times bigger than Raven and equally as big. Hermione and Raven were joined by the blonde boy Malfoy she thought that was his name she couldn't remember. And a girl who wasn't in their compartment on the train this one looked as though a pug and a gorilla had matted.
Reaching the other side of the lake Raven had fallen in love with the castle at first sight.
Was literally the only thing that came to her mind.
There was a hat that sang a song before sorting everyone.
Abbott Hannah, HUFFLEPUFF
Brocklehurst Mandy also went to Ravenclaw
Brown lavender was the first griffindor more people were sorted into houses.
Granger Hermione SLYTHERIN
Malfoy and Nott clapped for her as she took her place.
Potter Raven sitting upon the stool Raven could hear whispering from the other students. NOT GRIFFINDOR
Not griffindor hay your parents were in that house but if you're sure better be SLYTHERIN
All of the Slytherin students jumped up and shouted WE GOT POTTER

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