chapter 6

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Most of the year when by in a flash Draco, Theodore, Hermione and Raven all became great friends with each other Raven loved the feeling of flying on her broom better than anything else in the world. The wind in her hair the smell of fresh morning dew even the feel of the wood from the nimbus 2000 that was gifted to her by Snape when she got on the quidditch team Last month. The game was only so-so she wasn't really interested in the sport but she loved to fly.
By the time Halloween came around the four new friends knew something was going on with fluffy, the three headed dog that wouldn't leave them alone he just seemed to really like the attention of the four house mates once after a bad nightmare Raven actually slept in the massive dogs front paws.
Raven didn't know what to do but most likely she and her friends were going to look for the cause. On the Plus side of things Dumbledore is no longer the headmaster of the school after he, a molly Wesley and her son Ron all were tired and convicted of the theft from her vaults. Now Mister Malfoy senior was now the acting head of school. Molly was placed on house arrest and Ron was a minor so all he got was community service. But before the jury could, convicted Albus Dumbledore he fled. For Christmas Hermione got her a book on hairstyles for her to tryout with her metamorphosis abilities for some reason she could only change her hair. The color and length at the moment it was all red and if anyone were to look at her they would have thought she was Lilly Evans. And she in return got Hermione a book on ruins found all around the world. Draco had given her a couple of glass figurines that moved when she wanted them to. They were a stag, a doe, a dog, and a wolf. Also a unicorn, a dragon and a Thestral.
Raven gave him a, potions book that her mother had bought that was very rare. Theodore Nott had given Raven the most beautiful panting off all it was her and Hermione asleep on the train that first day of September. And as she was still crying she handed Nott a hand crafted box inside was some of the old Nott family grimoires that were added to the Potter vaults upon looting death eaters homes. Raven had placed the painting in a frame and placed it in the seventh layer of her trunk right above the fire place. The figurines went on the self in the study as well.
January and February rolls in with a visit to hagrid after finding out the three headed dog belonged to him the four eleven year olds found him charming. The visit was awesome they were able to see a baby dragon hatch. "That's a Norwegian ride back." Nott said softly. "There almost extinct." Moments later a thud and crash was hard as Ron was seen running away from the cabin.
The dragon had to be taken away. The four kids helped as they flew Norbert to the rooftop of the astronomy Tower. Where they met Charlie Wesley in Ravens eyes, he was the most beautiful person she had ever seen.
His long tussled bright red hair chiseled face spackled with freckles and the biggest pair of deep blue eyes.
Charlie and his co-workers left with the promise of writing to them.
It was now only a week of school left and the four friends were now playing a huge game of chess in the end Draco had sacrificed himself for the other three eleven year olds.
Theodore stayed with him and to make sure he would be alright. Hermione and Raven continued on to the last challenge. Hermione gave Raven the potion she needed to get through the fire. On the other side of the line was professor Quill who had been talking to him self. After a brief talk and standing in front of a mirror Raven felt the wait of the stone. After that Raven was about to leave when Quill tried to  attack her and he started to turn to dust. Raven hid the philosopher's stone in the trunk. Before she finally passed out due to magic exhaustion.
Waking up the next day to find herself and her friends in the hospital wing. Was a site Hermione was holding a slip off paper.
"Ms.Potter your awake". Mr. Malfoy exclaimed as he placed a hand on her head gently. "Tomorrow is the day you are going back home. So get plenty of sleep."
On the way home Draco had asked what everyone was going to do for the holidays. Hermione said that she was going to Japan for summer vacation. Theo was going to Romanian at the end of the summer. Draco did have any plans that he knew of and Raven was just going to hangout in the alley since she wasn't wanted at the dursley's house.
That's when Draco invited her to come to Malfoy Manor.

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