chapter 3

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Over the course of two years Raven studied all the first year books cover to cover at least three times. She wanted to make sure she didn't fall behind in her classes.
But to day she was in the car with her aunt patunia, uncle Vernon, cousin Dudley and piers Dudley's best friend.
"Today is gonna be awesome except for the fact that the freak is going to be there too."
Dudley said. Can you believe it she is so stupid way does she have to be here." piers Dudley's best friend said. "Ya way couldn't it be just us going." The two boys said together.
"Now, now boys it couldn't be helped no one was able to watch her so we had no choice but to bring her along with us."
Patunia said as she gave Raven a look that said that if she said something, anything she would get it later.
It was a very sunny Saturday and the zoo was crowded with families going on all different directions. The dursley's got the boys ice cream at the entrance and because the cart lady had asked Raven what she wanted they had gotten her a vanilla ice cream cone, and it was delicious. If she did say so her self. She was still eating it when they got to see the gorillas one even had a dumb look on its face and scratching it's head. It reminded Raven that it looked exactly like Dudley except it wasn't blonde and it probably had more intelligent than the fat boy did.
Raven had the Best day out then she could remember. Always a few steps away from her so called family so she wasn't bothering her cousin Dudley and piers. Both of who were getting bored of the animals by lunch time. Which for once Raven got to eat, and she also got dessert only because Dudley threw a fit just because there wasn't enough ice cream on his Knickerbocker glory.
Raven should have known it was all to good to last any time she was happy it was ruined by someone else.
After lunch they went to the reptile house it was cool and dark with lit windows all along the walls. Behind the glass all sorts of lizards and snakes were crawling and slithering around.
Dudley and piers wanted to see Hugh, poisonous cobras and thick, man-crushing pythons. Dudley quickly found the largest snake in the could have wrapped itself around uncle Vernon's car twice over with how big it was. But at the moment it didn't look to be in the mood. If fact, it was fast asleep. Raven couldn't hear much of what Dudley was saying but she saw both of the boys and her uncle almost pound on the glass wall probably to get it to do something.
"This is so boring." Dudley said as he walked off looking at something else.
The snake suddenly opened its eyes and looked right into the beautiful green eyes of the ten year old girl.
It winked.
Raven stared at it. Then looked to see if someone was watching. They weren't. She looked back to the snake and winked back.
The snake than gave a looked around to Dudley and Vernon and than said very clearly
"I get that all the time."
"I know," Raven muttered through the glass not even knowing if the snake could hear her. "It must be really annoying."
The snake than proceeded to nod it's head vigorously.
"So what's your name Anyway? I'm Raven."
The child said to the snake.
"I am loki."
Raven thought.
"Dudley Mr.Dursley you won't believe what the snake is doing!"
Dudley pushed Raven out of the was and she fell to the ground.the next minute later Dudley and piers were inside the tank with the boa constrictor.
The snake slid down to the floor and passed Raven with a small thanks.
The keeper of the reptile house was in shock.
"But the glass." He kept saying, " where did the glass go?."
When the dursley's got home Raven was sent to her room. Were she was to be grounded for a week.

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