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Chapter Two,

 IT WAS almost lunchtime at West Valley High

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IT WAS almost lunchtime at West Valley High. Lu and Dovie had just approached their lockers after leaving their latest class, English. The two teens headed to the lunchroom to claim their seats, not getting in the lunch line since they never ate the school food. Both girls pulled out their phones immediately to show each other posts and converse until a teacher started giving a lecture about bullying.

 "Cyberbullying is a no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." The teacher explained with a concerned expression.

"The kid right there!"

"The kid with a weird lip."

 Dovie glanced over at Lu, while Lu took a glimpse at Eli. Lu never really spoke to the boy as he seemed shy, and too scared to start a conversation with someone he didn't know, especially a girl. But she wasn't just going to let people bully him because of his physical appearance. Sure, she didn't know him, but the comments were just uncalled for. She watched him as he covered his lip after hearing people whispering and making rude remarks.

 "Wanna say that a little louder? Physical appearance shouldn't matter when your personality is shit, hasn't your mother taught you any better?" Lu snapped at the people next to her who felt the need to commentate rudely. They quickly collected themselves and got quiet. Dovie on the other hand, chuckled with her arms crossed at how the Wong-girl put the people in check.

 "There's no way she seriously thought she was being discreet," Dovie said, sitting up in her chair while catching Eli's eyes across the cafeteria to which he quickly looked down. "He's actually really cute."

 Lu averted her eyes back to her friend quickly, making eye contact with a frowned Dovie.

 "You know him?"

 "Yeah, I sit in front of him in Chem. I haven't seen him talk to anyone, besides the time I dropped my pencil, he picked it up for me and got red when I said thank you." Dovie explained, sitting back in her seat putting her attention back to the teacher to finish her spiel. Lu was about to reply before the teacher continued speaking.

 "...While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of sexy nurse, maybe try gender-neutral hospital employee."

 The pair looked at each other finally before playfully rolling their eyes and giggling.

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𝗚𝗜𝗥𝗟𝗙𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗗, robby keeneWhere stories live. Discover now