Parallel / Cerise (21)

7 4 0

Despite making it to school
early, I end up being thirty
minutes late,

the spray in my eyes have
been washed out, yet the
after effect left my eyes
all red.

I stare at my reflection in
the mirror,

such a pitiful mess.

I try to clean up and
look decent, grabbing
my school bag.

I exit the restroom,
heading straight
to class.

After climbing one
flight of stairs and
turning right,

I am met with my
classroom door.

I sigh, sliding open
the door before
entering inside.

To my surprise there's
no teacher.

Many stare at me
and are talkative
as usual.

I notice Ronin yet
pay him no mind.

Seems like it's study
hall period.

word count: 117

Cerise セリース - [CPN] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now