Ascension / Cerise (96)

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I've been keeping a
secret from Ronin.

Appearing as weak,
hiding in the shadows.

But honestly, I'm tired
of pretending.

I'm tired of roaming
these halls, playing
these shadowy

Now it's my turn to
make a glamorous

Tsukino doesn't have
to be a meat suit for
me to take over after

Outside the door
of the library, where
Ronin is, I snap my

Instead of being a
dark shadow, my
true form begins
to take shape.

I'm no longer

I'm dead but WELL
alive in this dimension.

I enter the library,
walking with confidence.

Ronin and I make
sudden eye contact.

He's confused.

Cassandra on the other
hand laughs in deep

word count: 117

Cerise セリース - [CPN] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now