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"Forget about it, Vergara"  her voice echoed in her office.

"I can't Prof Robles, hindi ko kayang kalimutan ang nangyari"
she utter in the same tone.

"This is wrong Miss Vergara! Stop this nonsense" she slammed her hands in her desk.

"Hindi ko na uulitin pa 'to Prof Robles. I.WILL.NOT.FORGET.ABOUT.IT" she clearly said.

"What the hell do you really want, Miss Vergara?"
her eyes is on fire.

"You, Ikaw ang gusto ko"  she said with the sincere.

"Marry Me Professor Robles" she said in a serious tone.

"Are you out of your mind Vergara? I can't marry you, Idiot"  she said then she roll her hands.

"Why? Because you're my Professor and I'm your student?" the girl said with a serious tone.

"None of your business Miss Vergara, now get out of here" she glare at the person infront of her.

"I will make you bend Prof Robles, mark my word" she said the left the office.

"Cazzo" (spanish  language) professor cursed

hello everyone!!! 🥰

MY PROFESSOR ROBLES Where stories live. Discover now