Joey Continued...

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Things changed and this is how they began to change.

"Joey" and I well, we sat with each other at all times in our first period, well for the first couple months... One day this new student named Mario walked in and all the girls swooned. To say he was cute was an understatement. I wasn't like other girls though, especially since I didn't have my glasses on during the time he came in the class. Joey and the other guys in my table started making fun of how big Mario's hair was, me being a curious mind looked over to check it out and thats when I really saw him.

He was gorgeous, cute little moles and perfect hair. The right skin tone for his brown eyes, every feature was amazing. His style was crazy hot, and he was pretty tall which dang boy!! The guys realized I was checking him out and they began to tease me. " Marla likes Mario", "you want us to tell him to come over?" I'm pretty sure Mario heard them. (Aw shucks) But like a cute good boy, he stayed quiet.

The next day the guys continued the teasing, and it was driving our teacher insane which we got many warnings for... But luck was on our side so he didn't move us apart just yet. It was until a week later that the guys stopped the playful teasing and began to actually talk to the Mario guy. By then I started having a small school crush on him to be honest. My bestfriend at the time (Joey) began to notice, so he started being more aggressive about it. Meaning that he would actually call him over or say it out loud that I liked him, I wasn't mad at that just to be honest. Eventually they got Mario to come sit next to me and that was soo awkward.

Like on purpose they tried to make me look like a fool, the poor guy would just glance at me at times then continue talking to Joey. They spoke about how Mario and I would make a cute couple and such, Joey asked him if I was cute to him(ughh Joey!!) and Mario said "she's beautiful" Holy flushed pink cheeks!! Then, saved by the bell!!

The next few days had gone by with the same old teasing and this time the teacher couldn't take it so by the end if the week he had assigned us different seats. Thats when my friendship with Joey began to tear apart... I was assigned to sit across Mario ( thanks fate) and Joey was far from me. Mario was super sweet. I'll tell you about how once a girl that needed yesterday's notes asked me for them, and I was really nice so I let her copy from my notes. She complained about how my handwriting was hard to read, then made fun of it for being ugly. If you ask me thats very rude after the person actually let you copy from her notes, I gave kindness and this is what I received. But good things happen to those who are good so Mario defended me, not Joey, not the one girl friend I had in this class, Mario.

Ever since that day Joey was distant.

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