4. Guided imagination - A cozy cabin in the woods

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I really love guided sleep stories that let our minds picture such beautiful vivid imagery just with the power of words so I'm hoping this poem i wrote will also do the same, and let you drift into fantastical scenery in your mind as you wind down for the day.


Come take me by my hand
As we flee deep into the night
Look up at those wispy clouds and
The shy crescent moon's light

Casting its glow on our wayward path
Little rocks and stones turn beneath
Our gentle but swift steps
On the wild grass and low heath

Not much longer till we reach
The welcoming maw of the wild greens
Swish and swoosh, goes the trees
The night is tranquil and serene

A smile perches gently on your lips
As a wayward leaf lands on my face
Just as the woods enveloped us
Into its cool and delightful embrace

Our eyes adjust to the moonless dark
Where spotted fungi softly glow
Scattered across the forward path
Deeper in to the woods we go

Branches swayed high above
Luring us further in
Lengthy ferns strayed about
Gently tickling our shins

For a long while we stride
Following the downward winding trail
Our eyes delight in the sights
Fireflies dancing a splendid tale

Luminescent fungi like christmas lights
Wee lil toads hop about
Weaving through the ferns and shrubs
Onto the leaves strewn around

Our ears soak in the chirps and clicks
And the swish and swoosh
And the ribbits and croaks
And the howls and hoots

I squeeze your hand just a little
As we surely come to the end
Of the downward winding trail
Just down the little bend

You see the large sprawling lake
Tranquil and still under the moon
The surface an expansive mirror
On which the stars spell intricate runes

Your hands catch the first drops
Of rain that drizzles down
Not too far now to our shelter
Where we can be warm and sound

Trek over the dampening dirt
To the cabin within our sights
Step into the soft warmth
And set a lantern alight

With a long contented sigh
You are buried under the warmth
Of a big fluffy blanket
By the window to the north

Its the perfect weather for indulging
In a sweet and warm drink
Of hot cocoa and marshmallows
So we relish our drinks in sync

As the night grows deep
And the rain pours around
We are lulled into a gentle sleep
By the serene ambient sounds

And so i wish for you the reader
To put away your worries
Just for the night
And set your body at ease

And let yourself rest
As you drift slowly away
Just like the wispy clouds
So see you another day

The end


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