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The door to the lounge bursted open, which caused Daniela and Alejandra's casual conversation to come to a halt as they swiveled their heads in the direction of the noise. Who stood in front of them was Paulina, PI report papers in her hand.

"Pau?" Daniela raised an eyebrow, confused by her urgency.

"I have some... um... news..." Paulina closed the door behind her, then sat down on the couch across from the two. Her eyes stayed downcasted while she tried to avoid her sister's gazes.

"You finally found a band for the wedding?!" Daniela asked, maybe a little too enthusiastically.

"What? No- no that's not why I'm here." She took a deep breath while she prepared to drop a figurative bomb on Daniela's whole love life. Perhaps a literal one on Paulina's. Paulina looked at the papers in her hand, and Alejandra noticed the sounds of the papers that rustled due to Paulina's shaking hands which made whatever her sister was about to say more intriguing. The suspense grew for a few more seconds before she put the report on the table for her sisters to see.

"You hired a P.I... on Vito?" Daniela read over the papers for a few seconds, she sounded betrayed, looking up at Paulina. "How could you?! I mean I knew you were skeptical... but this?" She picked up one of the photos, and then glanced at the full report. "And nothing... this was all for nothing Pau, why did you even bother showing me this?"

"Because it isn't nothing," Alejandra looked up from the papers. She had sensed that there was more to Paulina's actions than a confession on how she spied on Vito. "Is it?"

"It can't be! I know Vito! He would never do anything to hurt me-" Daniela's statement made Paulina's frustration crack, which caused her to let out every little piece of world-crumbling info loose at once instead of letting her older sister digest it.

"He doesn't love you, Dany!" She erupted, letting the statement ring to make sure that her sisters heard it. "I hired this investigator on him, and it came back clean, but that's not even physically possible. As you know, being a mafia boss isn't the most innocent job ever and it turns out, your fiancé hired that exact P.I on me!" Paulina waved her hands around as she spoke, anger being released from her troubled mind. "Turns out he faked my investigation to save himself!-" Daniela grew agitated at Paulina's words.

"Shut up! Vito would never!" She stood up.

"But he did!" Paulina stood up as well, eyes locked with Daniela's, a silence grew in the room.

"No," Daniela said sternly as she put a hand to her forehead while she tried to process whatever Paulina told her.

She's lying!

There's no way Vito would do anything like this...

How could this even be happening?

Growing overwhelmed, she starts to laugh, which contradicted the tears that formed in her eyes while they blurred her vision, her sisters turning into blobs of their skin and hair colors. Daniela shook her head, she tried so hard to convince herself that what her sister told her was fake. Only, the urgency in Paulina's eyes told a different story, which made Daniela look away. Maybe if she couldn't see that look on her sister's face then she could've stayed away from this shattering news. Paulina's voice faded out from around her as her thoughts grew louder.

    Every memory of Vito and Daniela flashed through her mind. Every brunch, every gift, every date... the proposal.

Was all of that fake?

It couldn't be. Vito took care of Daniela as if she were the most precious jewel on Earth. Not only her, but her entire family too. He had never failed her on anything. If she needed help with something, he was there. If she needed someone to vent to, he was there. If all she needed was someone to hold her, he was there. He was always there. How could that kind of love be fake? The world seemed to have stopped spinning and Daniela leaned against the nearest wall, her lungs begging for air as the room started to darken.

"Dany... out of it... breathe! Wake up!" Alejandra's voice and hand on her shoulder snapped Daniela out of the vortex her mind had sent her down, but the tears and laughter kept coming.

"I can't!" Her words fought through laughter, one purely out of disbelief. She must've been dreaming, right? There's no way that is real. Daniela wiped her tears, finally, she gazed back at her sisters, a look plastered with concern. She sighed, "Fine... I'll hear you out." Daniela slowly pushed herself up off the floor and allowed Alejandra to guide her back to the couch.. Paulina took her seat to begin explaining with more detail now that Daniela had calmed down a bit more. Alejandra poured them all a cup of water. She had to help Daniela take a sip despite her efforts to avoid the cup.

Silence washed over the room for a moment as Paulina thought over everything she had to tell Daniela. How do you begin to tell your sister that the man she loved and adored, the man she's supposed to marry in just under two weeks, was not who she thought he was? Paulina took a deep breath and with chest that ached. She began to tell her older sister everything.

Paulina was out of breath by the time she finished and took a giant gulp of her water. Daniela stared down at the papers while Alejandra rubbed a hand up and down her back to keep her calm. Paulina set her cup down and began to fidget with her fingers nervously as she waited for Daniela to say something or anything at all.

"Dany?" Paulina leaned forward, she observed her older sister's expression. Daniela looked up at her finally, and a sadistic smile reached her face. This caused Paulina's eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

"I think we better get to work." Daniela chuckled ominously, which lead the other two girls to smile at the statement. Finally, some more fun around here.

Paulina cut in, "But wait a minute, it's been a while, you think we still have them?"

"We just have to dust them off a little." Daniela shrugged.

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