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The night may have been young, Daniela might've been out having fun at her bachelorette party, but that was no excuse for Paulina and Alejandra to be standing in front of the hotel that the P.I had resided in for that night, a location they managed to get out of the manager with a few 'harmless threats'. The relationship between the investigator and Vito felt like fate since he was attending his bachelor party.

Their janitor disguises were black jumpsuits with fake names on the badges, black latex gloves, and black work shoes.

Alejandra tied her hair while she listed off the supplies needed for this murder. "Documents?"

"Check." Paulina sifted through the duffle bag. They made sure every amenity was within their grasp, with none foolishly left back at the manor.

"Rose and invite?"


"Your..." Alejandra sighed, "Candlestick?"

"It's a candelabra- and check!" Paulina grinned while she picked up the bag.

"Okay. Let's go then." Alejandra took a deep breath. The two stepped into the hotel, The beauty of the interior left the sisters speechless, "Damn, fancy." With the gold trim tracing the corners of the lobby, velvet red couches, and a glittering chandelier that hung from above them, who would not be in awe of the decor?

The girls needed to stay out of the open as best as they could, or else an employee might recognize that "Chelsea" and "Glinda" are indeed not a part of the custodial team.

Tiptoeing across the pristine yellow carpet, they slip through the doors of an elevator.

"Floor ten." Alejandra pointed at the buttons, commanding Paulina to press it.

"Ugh, you're so bossy today."

Alejandra scoffed at Paulina's remark. "Sorry, I'm just trying to make sure we don't get exposed for- '' Her rant was interrupted by the appearance of another person who slipped into the elevator at the last second, a real custodial worker.

He looked at the two girls, scanning their name tags, and furrowed his eyebrows. "Huh... I didn't know we had some newbies today."

Paulina laughed nervously at his comment, "Yep! That's us! The new custodial staff members...!"

Her unease in her older sister made Alejandra cringe internally, getting her to stop rambling by jamming a sharp elbow in the side. "Excuse Glinda, we're just very... excited for our new job." The doors of the elevator soon closed, the reality of having a possible lead in being caught for their murder slowly started to sink in for Paulina and Alejandra, which made them panic.

The staff laughed at their words, "Really? Never met someone as passionate about cleaning as you guys, that's for sure." He looked back at the nametags once more, Alejandra could tell he was growing more skeptical of their cover by the minute. If they didn't do something now, their cover would be blown and this whole thing would've been for nothing.

"Hey," Alejandra started, "You have something on your face." She stepped closer to the man, to which he stepped back, he held his hands up in defense.

"I got it myself, where is it?"

"It's right... there-" Alejandra stepped behind him and hugged her arms around his neck in a sleeper hold, which made him go unconscious. Alejandra gently set the man on the ground to make sure he was out.

Mid-hold, Paulina called out a flaw in Alejandra's takedown. "Wait! He'll wake up and realize we weren't really custodial workers! What if he tells the cops?!"

Alejandra groaned, "Fine." In a swift motion, the worker's head turned farther than humanly possible, a loud snap echoing through the walls of the elevator.

"Oh my god!" Paulina looked away, covering her mouth while she attempted not to throw up at the sight of the dead man, she grew squeamish at her sister's solution.

"You've seen worse, Pau." Alejandra stood back up, dusting off her arms. "I thought that's what you were implying. You weren't prepared?"

"I knew what I was implying! I can just never get over... that!"

"You're literally about to bludgeon a man to death and this is what you're disgusted by?" She gestured down at the limp body.

"I don't like broken bones!" She whined.

Alejandra could not believe her sister's logic, "And you're fine with smashing a skull in? Breaking a bone?"

"That's different!" Paulina looked at the ceiling, afraid her sister would never get her fear of bones that snapped.

"It's literally not."

After the unbearable and troubling situation within the elevator, they reached the tenth floor. The bell of the elevator dinged, and the doors opened to a long hallway. "Okay, just down the hall and to the left." Alejandra bent down and picked up the body from under the arms, "Grab his legs."

"Yeah..." Paulina shuffled over to grab the man's ankles, slinging the duffle bag over her shoulder and squatted to pick him up. "Where are we even planning on putting him?"

"A closet. I don't care if they find his body or not." Alejandra's voice strained at the weight of the man she was carrying.

Once they walked down the hallway with a hefty body, the girls reached the door of the P.I's future resting place.

Room 1014.

"This is it?" Alejandra raised an eyebrow.

"Looks like it." Paulina sighed, "Back up, I need room." She set the body down, then cracked her knuckles.

"What?-" Alejandra's confusion was interrupted by Paulina as she bolted full speed into the door. From her force, surprisingly, the door bursts open. "Oh my god..." The black-haired girl pinched the bridge of her nose, vexxed by her sister's method of breaking and entering.

"Come on Ale, we don't have enough time to sit here." Paulina gestured for her younger sister to follow her as she entered the room.

Alejandra quietly closed the door behind her, dragging the body along the floor. "Yeah, now that you've alerted everyone in a two-mile radius that we're about to kill a man..." She griped.

"We already killed one, I'm surprised the sound of his bones weren't heard from the farmers market down the street." Paulina set the duffle bag on the sofa in the corner of the hotel room. She zipped it open to grab the heavy candelabra. It was a fancy one, definitely an object found within the manor. Its material was a shiny gold metal, with an intricate design of flowers and leaves that spiraled down the shaft.

"You seriously brought your own candlestick?" Alejandra's eyebrows furrowed as she gave Paulina's choice of weapon a judging look.

"Oh my god Ale, for the millionth time, it's a candelabra, and do you see one in this room?" She gestured around the room, and Alejanda blinked at her.

"You could just use another method?" Alejandra paused and huffed, knowing whatever words she said in the next few moments would not affect Paulina's stubborn attitude. "Never mind."

The sisters took their spots of concealment within the hotel room. Alejandra stood behind the door, impatiently, she waited and mulled over the current location of their victim. Pau stood in the doorway of the bathroom, right next to the entrance of the room. She gripped the candelabra tightly in her hands while she tried not to burst into a fit of anxiety with this plan. Yes, they have done this before, but the fact that this was to protect their entire family, it brought the stakes up way higher. Their plan had no flaws, nothing could go wrong at this point. They have it all planned out. At least that was what Paulina tried to tell herself.

11:45 P.M.

The lock clicked, and the door swung open. Not just to the hotel room, but to the gates of hell. It happened in an instant, the shimmering candelabra contradicted the sludge of brain matter that secreted from the victim's cranium. A loud thump onto the ground followed after the initial hit, one that virtually emulated the candelabra's initial sound. His ear-piercing scream echoed through the room, swiftly being muffled by a disembodied hand. His cries were followed by the numerous short flurries of blows in a fit of wrath. The remains dispersed onto the walls until they were painted of his fibers. The heat of the substance would have felt soothing if it wasn't the remains of a man.

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