chapter 1

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kyle pov

lately , everything has been fine. just normal typical school days, of course theres always someone (cartman) doing fucked up things in school and stuff, but nothing special really happens. my life got boring so i wanted to do something after school. i was looking for job offers and i stumbled upon something that caught my attention.

south park ~ recently opened maid cafe looking for workers (boys aged 8-13)

i was surprised.
what is even a maid cafe?
why only boys can apply for a job there?
so many questions on my mind appeared.
and the weirdest part was that the employer was anonymous
i thought to myself: who even works there?
i thought that if theres a maid cafe in our town, i would have seen it already. come on, i looked it up and it seems like those maid cafes are always flashy buildings that would immediately caught my attention.

it was getting late so I turned off my laptop and went to sleep
but I couldn't get that thing out off my mind.

~ the next day ~
another boring school day. I see my friends, eat lunch with them, have normal lessons, we always meet at the bus stop everyday, i fell into a melancholy, but I still couldnt get that maid cafe thing out of my mind.
I would usually ask my friends about this, but that was too embarrassing.
why would they know anything about these maid cafes anyway?

the only thing that would get these questions of my mind would be applying there, right?
what could go wrong?

I got a response pretty fast.... they told me the address. I had to be there tommorrow at 6 pm.

I was kinda stressed but.. I have nothing to lose right? my life is boring as fuck anyway.
lets just do this.
its just a cringe maid cafe thing.
maybe it can even be fun?

the next day
I wake up, go to the bus stop, meet with my friends, arrive to school together, go to lessons, eat lunch, more lessons, bus stop, home. .. now.. the only thing left is to wait for 6 pm.
thinking about the cafe makes me feel weird, I honestly dont know what to expect
but I wanna see
it's all so mysterious to me

Kyle went to the cafe as he was told to, he tried so hard to not be seen there, as it would be.. embarrassing. very. he got his uniform mailed to him so he wore it and went there.
The place was really colorful as expected but it was kind of hidden under another building.
it was all pink and girly.
Kyle was looking around there for a while as there was really no one there ,  at least it seemed like it.

While he was looking around he heard a strangely familiar cheerful voice shouting something in the back.
he turned around

Stan: Welcome! You must be the new wo-


stan just looked at him with shock.
kyle was confused.

Stan: k-kyle...?

Kyle: so... you have a maid cafe..?

n-no! It's not mine.. I just happen to work here... but... let's keep it a secret, I know u wouldn't want anyone to know u wanna work here too.  - said Stan defensively

oh okay. . but.. where's like... the manager or something - kyle asked.

well I can't tell you now.. sorry you know this place works.. differently... but I can show you around and teach you how to work here and all haha we open at 7 pm... - Stan was very nervous talking to kyle as if he was keeping something hidden from him..

Stan showed kyle everything in the cafe, teached him how to talk to clients properly and stuff.
But it seemed like something was really bothering him about kyle being there...

South Park ~ maid cafeWhere stories live. Discover now