chapter 6

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Kyle pov

I woke up still feeling a little dizzy. The first thing i saw were purple walls. The first thing i thought to myself was of course, where the fuck i am? i couldnt really remember anything. I turned my head around. I was laying next to... Stan. My heart started beating faster, because what the fuck is this? Of course, he immediately opened his eyes too, forcing eye contact between us.

-What... Happened... ? - I asked.
-oh dude... That's a.. Long story.. whats the last thing you remember?
-uh, I think I was just working like normal then we...yeah...and...went to the manger and saw cartman and... I don't really remember much but... I saw heidi somewhere there..
-oh right, we came with heidi.. To help you. Cartman left you unconscious in his basement or whatever that is.
-wait, what cartman has done to me I.. Did he..
-NO, not like this he just made some robotic arm thing put you into a coma-like state cus u were talking too much
-it's not my words!

After we stared at each other sitting on Stan's bed for a few minutes stan started getting closer to me and slowly slid his hand under my shirt
I wanted to say something but out of shock I couldn't.

-don't you want to do it again...But with nobodys watching this
-dude. - I grabbed his hand and put it back in place. I did not consent to this.

-listen I'm sorry I just...
-stan.. You changed..
-no I didn't... maybe you just didn't know me yet.
-But we were always best friends dude. Super best friends.
-but theres something you don't know and I don't want you to! maybe you lived your life happily where some of us didn't have that good!
-wait... What... what's...
-don't say anything. Just leave I just didnt want to leave you alone for the night.

I left without a word. I didn't know whats gotten into him, he seemed really angry for no reason. But... There IS certainly a reason. It's just... Strange.

I went to school like normal. Trying to forget anything happened. The past few days were extremely confusing. I complained about a boring life lately but maybe it should have stayed this way.

I enter the school, walk down the hall like usually, holding onto my backpack. But today... It seems like everyone is looking at me. Just at me. Like I did something wrong. Like they knew something.

I just tried walking like normal and try to act cool about it but I couldn't. I even heard some people whispering while starring at me and got so stressed.

Heidi stood there, right next to my locker.

She seemed worried about something. Maybe even worried is a wrong word for this. That was something more than just worried.

She just looked down when I was standing next to her. I just tried not to stare at her and pretend I'm doing something in my locker but deep inside all I wanted was just her to say something to me.

And she walked away.

It seemed like everyone was keeping a secret away from me, huh?

I expected Stan to not come to school today, as he wasn't in the right state.

I was right for the first period. He wasn't there.

Although people kept starring, I just kinda... Thought about him. what he did to me this morning. That was maybe even more confusing, cause he's my friend and people in school are just... People.. Not that important. But.. There's something I missed.

And there he comes.
Stan Marsh.
He came to school after all.

I came up to him because I just can't keep standing there looking at his miserable self and also, being miserable myself just because I didn't like something. I can't give up so fast. I tried talking to him.

-hey dude, whats up? you came to school after all huh...
-Kyle... don't talk to me. - he said while we were walking down the school corridors.

And oh boy the stares when we were walking together were. Horrible.

-Didnt you see that? - I overheard Bebe saying to Red.
-Girl, I couldn't keep up with that. That was gross. Couldn't get past 1 minute. - Red responded.

I was.. Even more confused.
And there SHE comes.

Wendy Testaburger, all angry, running straight to us. Or maybe I should say, Stan.


Stan just seemed so helpless and didn't say anything. That stressed the shit out of me so I just asked to be sure

What are you talking about Wendy?

-Kyle... You... You... you knew hes my boyfriend.. OR MORE LIKE HE WAS!!! YOU AREN'T ANY BETTER.
-Didn't you see? I know what happened at that maid cafe after hours
-WHAT?? HOW??- I stared stressing out so badly. I felt cold sweat all over my body.
-Oh so you didn't heard that? Some girl filmed it secretly and put it on the internet! IT'S FOR EVERYONE TO SEE!!! EVERYONE KNOWS STAN.
-I'm.. I'm... I... - Stan was on the edge of crying.
-Wendy I promise... It's not our fault..
-Wendy,please forgive me I still love you this doesn't matter it's not like I wanted to do this I mean.. I... - stan tried to say something.
-NO. ITS OVER - she slammed him across the locker and walked away.

I couldn't believe all that. I thought the cafe had strict rules and stuff. No phones allowed there. Totally no filming and photos. How did this happened? I knew it's over for me. I didn't find a reason to continue my life there. That made me feel like such a disappointment. Stan was maybe... Right.. He warned me after all. But. He wasnt. He didn't warn me fully. I didn't know everything. He just kept acting weird and expected me to understand? Explaining himself with that ooh manager will be angry... and something bad will happen! WELL SOMETHING HAPPENED TO ME AND WHAT? I'M STILL ALIVE. BUT MAYBE I SHOULDN'T BE.

All I felt was anger and frustration. But... That anger... Made me sad deep inside... Almost like this whole situation sucked my whole life out of me.

At the end.

Stan made me do this. - I thought to myself when I came back home with a rope and various different pills.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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