chapter 4

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Today is my night shift. - Kyle thought to himself.
I have to do my best. And like everyday i just need to be as cute and charming as possible, thats weird isnt it? Well surprisingly it goes pretty well for me. So im happy with the job.

Kyle! - stan shouted to Kyle.

Kyle turned around to see stan smiling at him, he thought its a little strange to see him like that since for the past few days he seemed like he was bothered by something.

Kyle.. Maybe you were right.. We need to talk.
But this time, i'll talk to you. Honestly. But you know.. I can't say much but.. I just wanna let you know. you need to trust me and only me for now. It will be fine i promise. Everything will work out well you just need to trust me. Just do as i say i promise i only want good for you. - Stan said while smiling at Kyle, but his hands were shaking like crazy.

-Stan, what are you even talking about? Well, everything IS fine. I don't have anything to worry about..
-Dude, listen. I know this might sound strange but you are still my friend and never let this job change our relationship, alright?
-Well, im glad you wanna talk to me seriously but.. I still don't get it... You are kinda.. Not making any sense.
-Just trust me and meet me at the basement at 12 am.
-Oh, a-alright!

I thought the way he suddenly changed is a little strange but maybe I should trust him, hes my friend after all and I'm glad he said it to me today. Everyone seemed to be so distant from me but at the end we are still friends. This cafe won't change anything. - Kyle thought to himself in confusion, but he appreciated stan for what he said to him. Maybe their friendship will go back to normal just fine.

Kyle just served people like normal, act cute and stuff, he couldn't wait till 12 am so he can talk with Stan more. He came up to a table and saw a familiar person.

It was Heidi sitting here all alone

-Moe Moe kyun! ♡ What can I get for you? - He asked in a cutesy tone trying not to break character even though hes talking to a girl he used to like.
-Oh, Kyle? You work there? *giggles* - Heidi said in a playful tone
-Ah, well... Yeah... You know.. but... please don't tell anyone - Kyle whispered to her.
-Haha, alright, your secret is safe with me. - Heidi promised to the maid while he was all flustered. -Let me order some vanilla cake.

That was a little surprise for Kyle since most of people coming here are usually older.. And he doesnt see them in school..

Kyle brought Heidis order and put it on the table. As a worker in the maid cafe his job is not only to serve food but have a little talk with the customers, make then feel like they're with someone close to them. Show them affection, even though it's fake. But Kyle actually wanted to talk with his customer this time. Because he was curious he asked her
-What has you brought into this cafe..? I mean... I was just.. Surprised to see you there. - He asked politely.
-Oh, you know. I just think it's so cute and fun the way you all wear maid dresses and stuff. I thought it will be nice to come here..
-I.. Understand. -Kyle said with a smile.

That was something he surely didn't expect. Well, but he has to do his job anyway, he can't just escape because hes embarrassed. He agreed to this, right?

Kyle was working like usually, walking around the cafe and stuff. He overheard tweek and Craig talking.

-you know.. The new maid has a special show today..
-GAHH!!! H-he will probably do something stupid!!!! and cause problems to all of us!!!
-Tweek, it's okay... Maybe it will go well, stan will be there he's experienced.

They were talking about him, but why? He didn't realise what he had to do.
It was finally 12 am so he went to the basement to meet with stan.

-Hi stan.. so um... Can I talk to you?
-Yeah, sure, I also wanna tell you something but u go first.
-So you know not to be a eavesdropper but I overheard tweek and Craig talking.. About me.
-Well yeah, get used to it everyone talks about everybody here.
-no no, I get that but they said that ill have to do a show and I didnt know anything about this..
-you didn't know?
-Whats wrong stan? can you just explain this whole thing to me I mean I enjoy working here but most of the time I'm super confused.
-Kyle, sorry but if you don't know what we do afterhours then why did you came here?
-I'm sorry what?
-Fuck this we can't go back now, you agreed to this and the manager would be unhappy if you didn't do this.
that's why I didn't want you to work there but.. Let's just get over with this.
-With what..?
-In a few minutes, people will come here and watch us you know.. -stan felt uncomfortable. He didn't want Kyle to know out of all people about this. But now, there's no turning back.

-Stan, you were acting all weird recently, and i thought you are getting better because the way you talked to me earlier today, but I honestly dont fucking know what to think about all this.
-Just trust me. Like I said.
-But.. Can you explain to me what the fuck is going on. I'm trying so hard not to get angry at you but you really do not make any sense.
-I'm sorry Kyle we just have to do this..
-Kyle, calm down. it will be okay you will get used to it.

-So.. Here everyone comes
-You can top me like I always knew you would want to.. -Said stan with an affectionate tone.
-Excuse me what?

Stan started to take off his apron, and then dress. Kyle was heavily uncomfortable.

-Kyle just go with it - Stan whispered. - You don't wanna make the manager upset or else it will be over for you. Or even both of us.

Kyle sighed. He knew what directions this was going to... And everyone.. Was watching..

They started kissing and then kyle felt Stan's tounge in this mouth.. That felt so weird... Because he is not gay or anything, and he barely even kissed a girl.

Kyle felt so awkward and uncomfortable but by Stan's behavior it seemed like the consequences of not doing it might be even worse so, he just went with it. He trusted stan cus he was always his best friend. His super best friend. He wouldn't mean any harm.

He put his hand in Stan's underwear and stan moaned softly.

Ngh kyle.. do it faster... -stan enjoyed it and cummed in his hands

And before he knew it they were both naked on the floor.

Kyle was fucking stan in the ass because that's what everyone expected him to do even though it felt so wrong.
Stan seemed so helpless and moaned like crazy..

-Kyle!! Ahh...~ kyle I cant take this anyome nghh but... Go hard on me please let me feel the pain... ahhh..

Kyle came all over him but it wasnt over because stan started to suck his cock and lick it all around and kept moaning and Kyle was extremely uncomfortable because, what the fuck? He never thought he will see his best friend like this.. That's so fucked up. He didn't know he will have to do all this.

The crowd watching were teenage fujoshi girls and some old men. They all enjoyed seeing kyle like this because from the start he became a fan favorite in the cafe.

After it was all over kyle felt traumatized.

He came up to stan and asked what was that supposed to be.

-Don't you see.. That's what it's all about.. People pay to see this.. I didnt want you to work there because I care about you! I didn't wanna see you like this I just.. Wanted to protect you.. that's why I was shaking and all... but we had to.. you agreed to it.. I personally just don't have any way out of this I knew what I was agreeing to and eh..
-Someday we will talk about this..
-I'm seriously pissed off right now let me talk to the manager.
-NO! he will get mad..
-But he made us do all that.
-That's how it works here you have to accept it.
-I mean.. But it works different here if you didn't know what it's like after hours then I don't know what to tell you... They scammed you.
-then let's go, we will talk to the manager.

They both went to the office. Kyle opened the door and he saw a cross with Jesus on it and pope john Paul II picture in a golden frame on the wall. Under it, there he was... Sitting in a chair turned around so he couldn't see him.


-Well well well... - the manager turned around..

-IT WAS YOU... YOU... YOU RUINED ME.. -Kyle was angry at him.

-Kyle... Soon you will learn how it works here. The underground business of maids.

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