chapter 5

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-Kyle, don't worry i expected you to react this way. Because you are just a nasty jew and all jews act like that. Mad because you couldnt think of a business like that yourself?
-Actually... theres something more behind this.. Besides me.. Theres another person and even stan doesnt know who that is.
-He shouldnt be here at all! He wasnt meant to! - stan defended Kyle.
-Soon you two will learn something about my whole plan. It was all planned.
-YOU WILL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS, IM REPO- - Kyle tried to scream but before he could finish a robotic hand came out of the ceiling that shut him up and put him in a coma-like state.
-Cartman.. why Kyle..?
-Maybe you think he wasnt important here but... I know something you don't.
Go back to work like normal.

Stan was worried about Kyle. He wanted to help him somehow but didnt know what to do.

Stan pov

I left cartmans office and went back to work like nothing has happened. He said something about a plan but everything is so strange i don't know what he plans to do with Kyle. I thought he wasnt supposed to be there and he absolutely shouldn't, he shouldn't have to work like that..

I.. Have my reasons to be there.. But... Why would Kyle do that? I need to find him immediately.

Stan waited until the closing of the cafe. He wanted to break down into cartmans office to find anything helpful.
He was so helpless but didn't have anyone to help him. He was all alone. Lonely.

Cartman finally left the maid cafe and so did all of the other workers. Stan was stressed but wanted to anything to rescue Kyle. He noticed a familiar face walking out of the cafe.
It was Heidi.
He knew Kyle used to like her.

"Maybe.. I should ask her for help.." He thought to himself but it would be a little awkward since they never talk. He just knows her from school.
But whatever it takes to help Kyle, he will do it.

-Heidi, wait! - Stan shouted to the girl.
-Oh, Stan? Whats up? - Heidi responded.
-I know we don't talk much and all but... Listen my friend is in trouble and..
-You mean Kyle...?
-Well, yes... And I don't want you asking anything but...
-Oh my god what happened to him?
-I-i... I cant really tell you probably... You... Shouldn't be aware of this.

Heidi doesnt know what happens in the cafe in the basement in the night. She only goes there because it's cute and she likes sweet desserts. She shouldnt know because she could tell all the other girls from our class and it would be a huge problem.. I don't want Wendy to know.

-Well.. I will still help you.. Kyle is.. My friend...
-Okay. Sorry for how weird this sounds but we need to break into manager's office in the cafe. He could be probably there... Don't ask. Please
-Well let's go then..

Heidi was worried but didn't want to upset Stan as he kept begging her to not ask her about any details of this as it could put his work in danger. They finally broke into his office and began the search.

-listen. Just don't look into the manager documents and stuff alright? I'll do that. Please I just-
-Stan don't worry you don't need to explain yourself.. -heidi said even though she was still extremely worried about this whole situation but she didn't want to make stan uncomfortable.

-There's nothing. I don't know where Kyle could be. I just... I can't tell you how he disappeared but...

They were both just standing in silence. Stan couldnt say anything. He was walking around the office and noticed something.

-Oh my god.. wait...
-The panel in the floor is.. Moving.. Maybe.. There's something hidden there.
-I'll try to help you move it..

They moved the panel and it revealed a secret room/mini basement thing. They were surprised to see this but Stan thought that maybe they should look there. It all looked dangerous. There was a old rusty ladder leading to the floor of the space. It all looked abandoned and disgusting, it was all dark so Heidi turned on a flashlight on her phone.

The cellar was narrow but long, so Heidi walked behind Stan.

There he was.


He was there.

All along.

-KYLE! - Stan screamed.
He of course wasn't conscious.
They didn't know what to do to wake him up.
Stan began to shake him and scream to wake him up. He checked his pulse. It was fine. He was alive.
-Thank God. - Stan said to himself.
I don't know what to do.
-Kyle... Kyle please... Wake up... Please.. - Stan started sobbing a little bit. - Maybe we should get him into a safer place but.. I don't know..
And besides that...
Oh my god...
I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry...

-I'm sorry. Ignore what i said. Please. It's unsafe for you. You should go out of here for the best.

Kyle started waking up. He felt all dizzy and didn't know what's happening.
He saw Heidis face.
-Heidi...? -he whispered.
And he saw Stan.

-KYLE... ! - Stan screamed. - Kyle we need to get out of here right now.. Please I know it will be hard for you but please...  Come on..
-S-stan... - he barely could say anything.
He didn't know what's happening. He was barely walking because he felt so weakly and dizzy. He was literally almost falling while walking so Stan and Heidi held him and helped him get out of here.

-Maybe.. We can get him to my place for tonight he can't go into his house like that his parents will be mad. - Stan told Heidi.
-Okay.. We will think about it more later let's just get him somewhere safe.

They took Kyle into Stans room and put him on Stans bed. Kyle felt like he would faint for the whole time and extremely dizzy.

-Kyle! I was so worried about you. Please I hope you will be okay.. I brought you here with Stan you will stay here for the night... It will be all fine I'm sure. I need to leave now... Goodnight.. - Heidi explained to Kyle.

-T-thank you... Heidi.. -Kyle said softly

Heidi left. Stan felt jealous because of her. Because she cared so much about Kyle he felt like Kyle doesnt need him now.. Even though Kyle and heidi arent that much of good friends but they still are friends. They just don't talk as much. But he felt almost like.. Their relationship would be he didn't want Heidi around anymore..she helped him and all but it just should be him and Kyle now. Not Heidi. He felt under appreciated by Kyle. He felt lonely. Because after that night.. Kyle became more than a friend to him..

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