Chapter 2

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kyle pov
so, my first day at the maid cafe... stan kept looking at me weirdly while i was working. overall, the customers seemed to be nice and respectful, but the place is still underground, so only the ~choosen~ people come here. there were a few more workers but i didnt know who they are. stan told me we are not the only ones from our school working here, but i have to wait until the shift changes to meet them as he cant tell me anything more.

it..wasnt bad at in school..after working friends became even more distant from me.. i already felt like they were, you know, the changes were all so sudden, life felt weird, the school felt weird, my life got boring... what the fuck is happening..? even though nothing happened to me i felt like i was somewhere i shouldnt be at all. it felt like the emptiness in my life was being replaced by some  weird unsettling feeling that i couldnt explain, i am basically ruining my friendship with stan just because i went somewhere i didnt know i shouldnt. now im stuck working there.

at the end thats what i wanted, right?

next day, at school

kyle wanted to talk to stan as he couldnt just keep being silent, but he didnt know where to start. he cant tell him too much details about the cafe anyway, It worked in a such...weird way..that kyle couldnt understand..but at least...hes employeed..

stan, we need to talk seriously. - kyle said to him when they were alone at the school corridor anything wrong dude?

don't you thing..the world is starting to don't feels all different.. the school..our friends...we became so distant..
-dude, i think ur just growing up. been there done that. you just have to go thru it, really what am i suppossed to do? everything is like normal for others i assure you.
-No stan, i don't think you understand... Its just...forget it...
-Kyle..? is it about know..workplace..?
-i know u are the one who knows what this is about.

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