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A/N- this was requested by: nurserynursefan.


Autumn and winter had recently moved in together and for the full day was just making arrangements for where things will go for eachother stuff.
Winters record player went in the corner of the living room and his record mixed with autumn's were above it on a shelf. Autumn's record player was upstairs in their bedroom which also had a shelf above with a mix of winters and autumn's record.

Later that night once everything was settled and arranged, winter went into the shower in their onsweet.
As autumn laid their on the bed she thought to light her candles to make the room smell like less of cardboard boxes.

She went into her purse got her lighter out, lighting the candles slowly.
Once she laid down winter was finished in the shower and walked out with a towel around his waist and another towel drying his hair. His wet hair curled and was messy turning autumn on. He grabbed a tank top and some shorts from his draws and went into another room to get changed.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I was going to get dressed." He said confused.

"You can get dressed in here if you'd like." She said smirking.

Winter nod and thought about his choice.. so he just dropped the towel and put his tank top on, not even noticing autumn creeping behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist and biting at his neck.

He jumped for second till he moaned. He turned his body round and pushed her onto the bed with wide grin on his face.  Autumn looked up at him and smirked knowing what she had gotten herself into.
Winter dropped the towel from around his waist and took his tank top of and kneeled down between autumn's legs to pull her shorts from underneath her robe down before climbing to be on top of her and pulling her up by resting his hand on her neck as he pulled the belt of the robe off revealing her in a black laced bra and thong.

Winter lookd her up n down smiling at his treasure infront of him.
Autumn moved further onto the bed and he crawled on top of her feeling how wet she was from between her folds.

"You're soaking wet my sweet." He said looking up at her as he moved his hand to the waistband of her thong and pulled it down. Autumn smiled at him as he done this and once her thong was off, his fingers plunged in and out of her. As autumn moaned winter curled his finger and them used his thumb to play with her clit.

Autumn was close and winter knew she was so he kept going till her pelvis snapped and her come was all over his finger. Winter watched her ride out her orgasm before moving his fingers to her mouth.

"Open wide my love." He said as she opened her mouth and tasted herself on winter.
"Good girl" He smiled.
After she swallowed, winter teased her for abit, his tip slowly going around her folds making her desperate, she went go grab him and put it in her but winter stopped her.

"Ah ah you weren't Get it any sooner if you do that." He smirked going down to beside his side of the bed and grabbing his belt. He wrapped it around her wrists and tide her to the bed frame so she couldn't do it again.
Autumn groan as he done this to her and he began to tease her again for a couple more minutes.

She got impatient with him. But before she was gonna do anything he entered her at a quick pace before grabbing his pillow and putting it under her hips to lift her up abit for him to thrust in her.

Listening to autumn's moans turned winter on more making him hard as he quickens up his pace.
Autumn's leg began to shake from the pleasure and winter smirked more as he got faster almost breaking the bed.

They changed positions once winter moved the belt on the head board so autumn could sit on her knees.
After that few hours go by and winter begins to get tired and loosens the belt so autumn could relax.

"That was nice" She smiled as they got comfortable in bed after put their clothes back on.

Winter kissed her forehead and wrapped his arms around her. Autumn never liked hugs but from winter it was a comfort blanket wrapping around her.

After awhile autumn began to doze off and winter dozed off later on after hearing autumn's breathing before slow and watched the tension in her body disappear as she relaxed herself.


A/N- idk if I like this but if you do then thank you for enjoying it I'd been on and off working on it today whilst listening to music, also can we just talk about Charlotte's new haircut like it suits her so well.

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