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The year was 1890...

A Nippon Wedding Venue exuded opulence andelegance, seamlessly blending Eastern and Western wedding traditions.Diverse guests mingled, their conversations filled with excitementand formality. Katakana, a woman of grace in her twenties adorned ina stunning bridal kimono with Western-style elements, stood besideOisin Blackwell, a charismatic man in his thirties dressed in aformal Western suit.

A Shinto Priest conducted the ceremony, speaking inJapanese with subtitles. "You are now united as one, not justin marriage, but in the journey of life," the priest said.Oisin lovingly placed a Snowflake Diamond Necklace around Katakana'sneck and a golden diamond ring on her finger.

Her eyes glistened with love and gratitude as theysealed their unity with a kiss. As the sun bathed the lush garden ofthe Charlotte Mansion in warm, golden light, Oisin and Katakanastrolled hand in hand amid blooming roses, their laughter echoingsoftly. The intoxicating scent of flowers filled the air as theypaused by a serene fountain.

Oisin whispered, "Katakana, the beauty ofthis day pales in comparison to your radiance."

Blushing, Katakana replied, "Oh, Oisin, youalways know just what to say." Gazing into her eyes, Oisinconfessed,

"My love, every moment with you is atreasure, and I cherish every minute of the day." Katakanaleaned closer and whispered, "As do I, Oisin, my love."

As night fell, the mansion's grand dining room wasbathed in the soft glow of candlelight. Oisin and Katakana sat at abeautifully set table, with a crackling fire providing a romanticbackdrop. The butler served them a sumptuous meal, and they shared anintimate moment, their fingers intertwined in the soft glow ofcandlelight.

The following morning, a mysterious card arrivedfor Oisin, delivered on a silver tray by a secret organization. Hegave Katakana a gentle kiss before leaving the mansion. "Mydearest, duty calls, but my heart remains with you," Oisinwhispered.

Oisin entered the garden to meet with fiveassassins dressed in dark attire. His voice trembled as he questionedtheir motives. "What is the meaning of this?" heasked nervously.

The Assassin Leader, a chilling figure, respondedcoldly. "You don't have a choice, Oisin. The Headmaster hassummoned you back to the courts." Oisin's defiance flared.

"I'll never go back!" The AssassinLeader's sinister smile hinted at a hidden agenda. "Ah, yes,you're newlywed, but you know the rules. It would be such a tragedyto see a joyful day turn into great sorrow." Oisin's resolvestrengthened.

"What profit is there if a man gains anation and loses his soul? My wife is everything to me, and I don'twant her to be part of that world." The Assassin Leader'stone turned menacing.

"Very well. But remember, Oisin, yourwife's life is in our hands." Oisin drew his saber, determinedto protect his beloved Katakana. "You won't lay a finger onher!"

With a nod from the Assassin Leader, one of theassassins silently departed, heading towards the mansion whereKatakana sat at the breakfast table, unaware of the impending danger,clutching a stick of dynamite.

Oisin battled the four assassins in a furious duelwith swords. In the heat of the battle, he managed to defeat three ofthem. However, the Assassin Leader seized a deadly opportunity andstabbed Oisin in the back. "You chose unwisely; now your wifedies, an eye for an eye," the Assassin Leader declared.

Oisin, his strength waning, fell to the ground. "Icurse the Blackwell name for their treachery... may their name beforever stained with betrayal, deceit, and may their deaths beviolent," he uttered with his last breath.

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