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Themoon was high in the sky, casting long shadows across the ArethBaseball Park. The once lively field now bustled with police andforensic teams, their activity a stark contrast to the park's usualcalm after game day.

DetectiveMaya, a woman in her late twenties with black hair tied back in aponytail, knelt beside the lifeless body of Geo Marciano the famousbaseball star of the Areth Eagles. Her sharp eyes scanned everydetail, taking in the scene with practiced precision.

Jack, a husky man, her partner a seasoned detectivein his fifties with a demeanor reminiscent of Columbo, approachedwith a casual gait. "Its just your usual crazy mayhem, Maya,"he said, his voice tinged with weary humor. "So what do youmake of all this?" he questioned.

Maya's gloved hands moved deftly as she found abullet on the ground. She picked it up examining it closely, looks atthe victim and sees the bullet hole through his chest. "Murder,"she grimly said placing the bullet into a Ziploc bag. "Thismight just be our missing link, I will take this to the lab."she said, her tone serious.

Jack sips on his coffee, "We had Mr. Merdokcalled in for questioning, while you investigate the bullet I willquestion him," he said with a slight grin. Maya stood up andlooks at her partner in the eye, "Don't do anythingirrational, he is only a suspect."

"Scouts honor Maya, I'll be a perfectgentleman." He said with a hint of sarcasm as he walkedaway. Maya slightly shakes her head knowing Jack's character as a hotheaded individual. "The day you are a gentleman is the day Ibecome queen." she laughs to her self.

Later that night...

Jack stood in the stark fluorescent-litinterrogation room of the police station. Across from him sat Merdok,the team owner, his demeanor shifting from confident to wary underher intense gaze. "Thank you for stopping by, Mr. Merdok.Forgive me for not giving you something more comfortable in thisroom," Jack said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Detective, I am a busy man. I have abaseball team to manage, so can we get this moving?" grumbledMerdok. "You are a suspect, and I will take my time to askthese questions," Jack responded with a hint of aggression.

"How can I be a suspect? This is absurd. Iam going to have your badge," Merdok threatened as he stoodup from the chair and headed to the door of the room. Jack grabbedhim and slammed him back down on the chair.

"You're going nowhere," thedetective huffed. "All right, let's get this over with,"Merdok hissed. "Mr. Merdok, Geo's murder wasn't just a randomact, was it?"

His voice was controlled but accusatory. "Didhe have enemies? An ex-wife, perhaps? I believe this killing is abouthis insurance money. With a star like Marciano his life insurancemust be in the millions," Jack leaned in, eyes peering withaccusation.

Merdok's confidence faded, betraying a flicker ofworry. "If you are accusing me, Detective, you have no proofthat I had the audacity to murder my best player," he said,attempting to regain his composure. "I honestly don't knowwhy this had happened," he defended his honor.

"Well people in power, always seam to havethe right alibi Mr. Merdok; you're free to go, but don't skip town.It will make you look guilty, don't you think?" Jackquestion as he felt his gut intuition that this man was a shadysnake. Merdok leaves the room. Jack picked up his coffee and took asip, eyeing the closing door, with a slight grin.

Meanwhile, back in the dimly lit forensic lab, Mayapeered through a high-tech device, examining the metal fragments ofthe bullet. The room hummed with the sound of machinery and the softbuzz of fluorescent lights.

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