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Azraelhas a rugged and intimidating look. Maya cannot seem to take her eyesoff the giant who stands close to her. She feels both infatuated andfrightened by this imposing figure.

"You must be Azrael?" shequestions, taken aback by his appearance.

Gibbins clears his throat. "Maya, he's themuscle of the group," he quips with humor.

"Yeah, I can see that," she says,admiring him from a distance as she steps away.

"Azrael, meet Maya Malaya, our firstemployee. She's a detective from the Areth Precinct and a graduatefrom the Crime Lab Academy," Gibbins introduces.

Azrael extends a hand, his expression softeningslightly. "Pleasure to meet you, Detective Malaya. Welcome tothe team."

Maya keeps her distances, "Likewise,Azrael." she replies, her initial trepidation giving way toa newfound resolve.

Gibbins turns onthe monitor on the far wall, showing satellite images of the decrepitCharlotte Mansion with two color-coded blips of red and green.Gibbins reports to Azrael, "We have a case in ourlocal region of Zapatera at the Charlotte Mansion."

"Any idea what we're dealing with?"Azrael asks.

"I believe it is a vengeful ghost, anOnryo," Gibbins declares as he shows a 3D hologram of theghost woman known as an Onryo.

Maya interrupts with skepticism, "Maybeit's just a practical joke, a test of love, to see if the woman caresenough about her man to look for him," she cynically speaksout.

Azrael turns his steely gaze towards Maya. "Youmight be right, but we can't dismiss the possibility of a realthreat. People's lives are at stake."

Gibbins nods in agreement. "Exactly.Whether it's a joke or something supernatural, we need to investigatethoroughly."

Maya sighs but steps closer to the monitor, hercuriosity piqued despite her doubts. "Alright, let's get tothe bottom of this. What's the plan?"

Azrael glances at Maya amused. "You'veheard the saying more than meets the eye?" as he fixes hiseyes back on the monitor.

Maya protests, "There's no concreteevidence for the existence of the supernatural or paranormal. Wecan't just assume an ethereal realm exists when there's no evidenceoutside of the physical realm," she argues.

Azrael, feeling perturbed, turns and approachesMaya deliberately and slowly. "Maybe not with your eyes, youcan explain the occult, or explain untold mysteries? Ye of littlefaith, you have eyes but you do not see. It's a simple calculation,Maya. Fear feeds the darkness, and the darkness breeds evil, and theevil that you breathe is unbelief."

"But when you begin to believe, you will see,"Azrael says, giving her a slightly intimidating rebuke.

Maya feels the sting of the warrior's words. As sheconsiders her flaws, she asks, "Okay, I'll bite. What causesa vengeful spirit?" She sarcastically applies her trainingfor questioning but with a cynically humorous tone.

"See, I like this girl. She asks the rightquestions," Gibbins quips.

Maya paces back and forth, trying to wrap her mindaround what's going on with these two men. "Legend has itthat a vengeful spirit is a dead person returning from the afterlifeto seek revenge for a cruel or unjust death. But truth be known,according to scriptures, these spirits are only demons,"Azrael says.

"Demons? How do you conclude that a ghostcould be a demon?" Maya asks.

"It started with Noah. After the flood, thedisembodied spirits of the Nephilim wreaked havoc on Noah'sdescendants. So Noah prayed to Aravat, and He imprisoned ninetypercent of these unclean spirits and bound them into oblivion,"Azrael explains.

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