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Racingdown the highway Grace's thoughts are a whirlwind, replaying thehaunting events that unfolded within the mansion. However, as hercellphone's battery has depleted, she remains isolated, unable toreach out for assistance.

Finally, she spots a glimmer of hope in the form ofa nearby diner. It stands as a beacon in the night, promising solaceand a temporary respite from the terrors she has endured. Grace pullsinto the parking lot and steps out of her automobile, her heartpounding in her chest. "There's gotta be a pay phone in there."she says exiting her automobile.

Entering the diner, she is greeted by thecomforting aromas of freshly brewed coffee and the soft chatter ofpatrons. The warmth and familiarity of the place offer a temporarysanctuary from the darkness that looms outside. Grace finds an emptybooth and slides into the worn leather seat, hoping to find a momentof clarity amidst the chaos.

The low hum of conversations surrounds her,creating a comforting ambiance as she collects her thoughts. Taking adeep breath, she begins to process the events that have unfolded,seeking a glimmer of understanding amidst the mysteries that haveconsumed her life.

The faint flicker of a neon sign casts a dim glowacross the worn countertop, providing a subtle sense of comfort. Inthis moment of solitude, Grace finds a brief respite from the horrorsthat haunt her.

She knows she must gather her strength, seekassistance, and uncover the truth behind the mansion's dark secrets.As she waits in the diner, a sense of determination washes over her.She will not rest until she finds justice for Matt and unravels thechilling mysteries that have entwined their lives.

Grace's disheveled appearance catches the attentionof a man named Gibbins, a bald headed gentleman with a beard, wearinga suit, at first glace he looks like a sales man, who is enjoying hisbreakfast.

Sensing her distress, he instinctively offers her aseat across from him. "It seems like you've seen a ghost,"Gibbins remarks, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity andconcern, capturing Grace's attention.

He extends a kind gesture, sliding his cup ofcoffee toward her as she sits across from him. "I am GibbinsSilverstone, Mrs.?" he politely introduces himself. Grace,grateful for the small act of kindness, accepts the cup and takes asip. With a tremor in her voice, she replies, "I am Grace,"her hands shaking as she sips on the coffee.

"What happened?" Gibbins asks withcuriosity. Grace begins to explain the harrowing events that unfoldedin the haunted mansion, sharing the tragic fate of her belovedhusband, Matt. Gibbins listens intently, his gaze locked on Grace asshe pours out her heart. His expression turns solemn, his facereflecting the weight of her words.

He understands the gravity of her situation and thedepth of her grief. Sympathy fills his eyes as he absorbs themagnitude of her loss. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Grace,"Gibbins says, his voice laced with compassion.

"No one should have to endure such pain.But I want you to know that you're not alone in this. We will find away to search for your husband," he assures her. Grace looksup, her eyes meeting Gibbins' unwavering gaze.

A glimmer of hope begins to flicker in her heart asshe realizes that Gibbins is not just offering empty words ofcomfort, but a genuine commitment to help her find answers. "Doyou really think we can find him?" she asks, her voicefilled with a mixture of desperation and hope.

"It all depends on our response, a windowof seventy-two hours we have. If he's alive, we will find him,"Gibbins nods, a glimmer of confidence shining in his eyes as he handsGrace his business card.

On it, in bold letters, reads "PARANORMALDETECTIVE, GHOSTS R US" – a testament to his expertise anddedication to uncovering the truths of the supernatural.

"Yes, Mrs. Grace," he continues, hisvoice filled with conviction. "We may be up againstformidable forces, but I've seen enough in my line of work to knowthat the truth always has a way of coming into the light. We'll leaveno stone unturned, and we'll do whatever it takes to uncover thesecrets of the mansion," Gibbins says, sipping on hiscoffee.

Grace takes the card, her fingers tracing theembossed letters as a renewed sense of hope fills her. She looks upat Gibbins, her eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude anddetermination. "Thank you, Mr. Silverstone," shesays, her voice filled with sincerity.

"I believe in your commitment to solvingthis mystery, Mr. Silverstone. Together, we'll unravel the secretsthat lie within the haunted mansion and ensure that we find Matt."Grace offers her assistance with a smile. Gibbins' gaze remainsunwavering.

"You have my word, Mrs. Grace. Anything Ifind, I will share with you. But I need you to sit this one out. Ihave a team that can take care of this threat. The truth willprevail. Just meet with me at the crack of dawn on the third day atthe mansion," he concludes his thoughts.

"The mansion? I'll be there,"Grace responds with a bit of confusion but concedes and complies witha smile. With a newfound determination, Grace tucks Gibbins' businesscard into her pocket, a symbol of the friendship they have forged.

A sense of relief washes over Grace as she realizesshe has found a steadfast ally in Gibbins. His words resonate deepwithin her, offering a glimmer of strength and resilience in the faceof adversity.

Grace takes a deep breath, gathering her resolve.Touched by his empathy and the glimmer of hope his words ignite, shefinds solace in the presence of this stranger who now offers hisassistance. She nods, expressing her gratitude for his willingness tohelp in her darkest hour.

"Good day, Mrs. Grace. See you inseventy-two hours," Gibbins tips his hat as he pays for hisand her breakfast and walks out the door. Grace watches him as hedrives off through the diner's window. She pulls out his card oncemore and looks at it, with a slight smile of hope.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN: CURSED OF THE WHITE LADYWhere stories live. Discover now