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Maya stands in a moment of contemplation, poisedbeside her sports car in the parking lot of the University of Daath.The setting is a beautiful day in Areth, characterized by partlycloudy skies and the ambient sound of birds chirping.

Maya's attire is casual yet purposeful, featuringdungaree jeans, a jacket, boots, and a white T-shirt. Her hair ispulled back into a ponytail, and she wears sunglasses, adding an airof mystery and determination to her demeanor.

In her hands, she holds a newspaper ad, which seemsto be the focus of her contemplation. The university sign looms inthe background, symbolizing the potential of new beginnings oropportunities.

The scene captures a pivotal moment of decision,blending elements of anticipation, uncertainty, and the promise ofadventure. "Well, this is definitely the place. Here goesnothing," she says, releasing a deep sigh before embarkingon her new journey.

Maya steps into the expansive halls of theUniversity of Daath, her presence marked by a blend of anticipationand a hint of impatience. She navigates through the twin doors,finding herself in a corridor that stretches far beyond her immediateview.

The walls are lined with rows of lockers, atestament to the bustling life within these educational confines.Around her, students move with a sense of urgency, their footstepsechoing in the high-ceiling halls, each absorbed in their ownroutine.

Despite the vibrancy and the life humming throughthe corridors, Maya's focus narrows to her singular objective:locating the antique shop advertised in the newspaper she stillclutches. As she meanders through the building, her eyes scan for anysign that might point her towards her destination.

The enormity of the university only amplifies heranxiety, a sentiment she mutters to herself with a mix of awe andfrustration. The scene encapsulates a moment of transition, whereMaya's quest intertwines with the daily rhythm of academic life,setting the stage for what lies ahead in her journey.

She strolls around the halls for fifteen minutes,finding herself at the south end of the building. She sees theantique shop. "Finally, but this is a strange place to havean antique shop in the middle of a school. This guy is either agenius or he's totally insane," Maya jokes to herself. Asshe steps through the glass doors of the antique shop.

The moment she enters, a charming jingle from abell hanging above the door warmly greets her, setting a welcomingtone for her exploration. As the door gently swings shut behind her,Maya's attention is immediately captivated by the interior of thestore.

The shop is an Aladdin's cave of curiosities, withshelves laden with books whose spines hint at ancient wisdom andstories long forgotten. Glass cases strategically placed around thestore shimmer under the soft lighting, showcasing an array oftrinkets and artifacts that beckon with a silent allure.

Each item, from the smallest locket to the mostintricate device, seems to whisper tales of bygone eras, invitingMaya to delve deeper into their mysteries. This environment envelopsMaya in a sense of wonder, her eyes eagerly scanning the decoratedstore, taking in the wealth of history and stories contained withinits walls.

The ambiance of the shop, with its mixture ofintrigue and nostalgia, promises an adventure that goes beyond themere acquisition of antiques—it's an invitation to journey throughtime and connect with the past.

The scene shifts to a more intimate setting withinthe antique shop, where Gibbins, an individual of distinct presence,commands attention even while engrossed in his work. Dressed in anelegant suit that complements his scholarly demeanor, his bald headis a beacon of focused intensity as he sits hunched over his desk.

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