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Azraelreaches the door, he pauses, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, thequiet before the tempest. He pushes the door open, stepping acrossthe threshold into the remnants of what was once a lavish Victorianpantry. The air is thick with the scent ofdecay, a testament to the years of neglect. The tiles underfoot, oncea proud mosaic of intricate designs, are now cracked and broken,their edges jagged like the remnants of a shattered dream.

Dust motes dance in the shafts of light that dareto penetrate the gloom, revealing shelves that sag under the weightof age, their wood warped and infested with the telltale marks ofrot. Jars that once held preserves and spices, essential to the grandfeasts of the era, now sit empty and covered in a fine layer ofgrime, their contents long since consumed by time.

Cobwebs drape over the corners like the finestlace, albeit gray and abandoned by their crafty weavers. The silenceis profound, yet within it lies a whisper of the past, a murmur ofthe countless footsteps that once trod here in the pursuit ofculinary splendor. Azrael stands as a solitary sentinel in the heartof decay, the silence around him a stark testament to the fadedsplendor of an era long passed.

The majesty of the Victorian age is now just aghostly whisper in the midst of crumbling grandeur. Suddenly, theWhite Lady materializes before him, her spectral form a starkcontrast to the surrounding desolation. They clash in a maelstrom offury, their movements a blur of force and agility. For a moment,Azrael seems to command the upper hand, but then the White Ladyunleashes a shriek, shrill and otherworldly, reminiscent of abanshee's wail, propelling Azrael through the air.

He collides with the wall, shelves and glass jarsshattering under the force. Her telekinetic powers are relentless,casting the Warrior of Elohim about as if he were a mere plaything ina violent and unseen storm. Each brutal contact with the wall forcesa grunt from his lips, his breaths becoming labored as he fights tostay conscious.

The assault is merciless, every blow a hammer tohis resolve. Then, as suddenly as it began, the White Lady ceases herattack. Azrael is left on his hands and knees, his breathing ragged,his strength waning. He steadies himself, his mind focused on Maya,on the vital role she plays in this spectral showdown. With everyheavy breath, he prepares for the next phase of his perilousencounter with the White Lady.

Meanwhile, in the master bedroom, once a haven ofluxury and privacy, now stands as a testament to the mansion'sdecline. As Maya pushes the door, it creaks open, revealing theremnants of what was once grandeur. The room is dimly lit by themoonlight that struggles through the dust-covered windows, castinglong shadows across the floor.

The most striking feature is the large hole in thecenter of the room, a gaping maw that offers a precarious view intothe dining room below, hinting at the fragility of the structure thathas been compromised over the years. Despite the room's dilapidation,vestiges of its former elegance linger. Faded wallpaper, peeling atthe edges, cloaks the walls, adorned with patterns that speak of abygone era.

A heavy, ornate dresser stands against one wall,its surface covered in a thick layer of dust, and its mirror cracked,reflecting the room's disarray in its shattered surface. On theopposite side, the safe that Maya seeks sits against the wall, anincongruous symbol of value amidst the decay.

Its metal surface, though dulled by time, stands asa stark reminder of the secrets it guards. The air in the room isstagnant, heavy with the scent of mold and the whispers of the past."Oh, it figures... my first real job, they say it'll boost mycareer," Maya mutters sarcastically, her voice a mix offrustration and determination.

She holsters her gun, a gesture of temporary peace,and begins to navigate the treacherous room. Each step is measured,taken with care to avoid the hole that threatens to swallow her wholeas she moves closer to the object of her quest. The room, with allits decay and hidden dangers, now serves as the backdrop for Maya'stense and cautious advance toward the safe, a beacon of hope in themidst of ruins.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN: CURSED OF THE WHITE LADYWhere stories live. Discover now