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Azraelnow finds himself standing in the decrepit chamber of the etherealrealm, a place he never anticipated entering. It was yet anotherdimension within the labyrinthine horrors of Charlotte's Mansion,hidden from mortal eyes.

Thearea stretched endlessly, filled with rows upon rows of steel cagesand human skeletons laying in each prison. Ominous chains dangledfrom the ceiling, swaying in a ghostly breeze that chilled the air.

The water beneath his feet was murky, its depthuncertain, while the distant sound of dripping echoed ominously,adding to the unsettling atmosphere. The sapphire hat band accents ofAzrael's hat gleamed faintly, casting eerie reflections in the dimlight as he navigated the waterlogged chamber with cautious steps.

Each movement seemed to conjure a haunting bluehue, emanating from the glowing sapphire embedded in his armor,enveloping him in an otherworldly aura.

Azrael cut a menacing figure in the darkness, hissilhouette stark against the murky surroundings. Every shadow heldthe potential for lurking danger, and every sound whispered of unseenthreats, heightening the sense of suspense that thickened the air.The eerie breeze that permeated the chamber seemed to carry secretswhispered to the lost souls that wandered into this forsaken place.

Chains continued to dangle ominously from the highceiling, their metallic links creating an unsettling symphony ofclinks and rattles with every gust of wind, adding to the oppressiveatmosphere of dread that surrounded Azrael's presence.

He brought his hand to his radio receiver, hopemingling with trepidation as he attempted to contact his comrades,Gibbins and Maya. His voice steady with uncertainty as he spoke intothe void, "Gibbins, Maya, can you read?"

All that answered him was the harsh static of anindifferent abyss. "I guess I am on my own here,"Azrael muttered to himself, the realization of his isolation settlinglike a heavy shroud on his shoulders.

He steeled himself and took a tentative stepforward, the water sloshing around his boots, as he looked at eachcage filled with the remains of the victims who had met theirgruesome fate here.

The sight was enough to send shivers down anynormal human's spine, but Azrael was not your ordinary man; he wasthe Warrior of Elohim, who pressed on, knowing that he was here for areason. "Light my path, Aravat, in Y'shua's name I ask ofthee," he said in an almost whispering tone.

As he ventured further, his ears caught a faintwhimpering sound. It seemed to emanate from the end of one particularrow of cages. Azrael quickened his pace as he approached with a mixof dread and determination.

There, in the final cage, he saw Matt. The man wasbound to the cell by ethereal chains, his soul slowly being drainedby a grotesque device mounted on the wall. The soul siphon, anabhorrent creation of the ethereal realm, emitted a sickly, pulsatingglow as it greedily absorbed Matt's essence.

Azrael felt a righteous indignation for Matt. Heknew he had to free him, to break the chains that bound the man'ssoul to this accursed place. But as he reached out, a sinisterpresence emerged from the murky waters beneath. A demon, a malevolentethereal being, materialized before Azrael.

Its form was a grotesque blend of the ethereal, itstranslucent skin pulsating with an otherworldly, sickly light. Itstwisted features contorted into a sinister grin, revealing rows ofjagged, razor-sharp teeth dripping with a vile, greenish ichor.

The creature's elongated limbs moved with anunnatural grace, ending in clawed appendages that scraped against thedamp cages, leaving trails of ominous sparks in their wake. Its eyes,glowing orbs of malevolence, pierced through the darkness with anunholy fervor, locking onto Azrael with a chilling intensity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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