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Azraeland Maya head to the front porch of the house. He kicks open thedoor, and they enter into the cursed mansion. Azrael and Maya slowlynavigate their way through the dilapidated house, heading toward themain hall.

Theplace is a dismal sight, filled with dust, cobwebs, broken furniture,peeling wallpaper, gaps in the floorboards, and holes in the walls. Achandelier with shattered crystal glass lies scattered beneath theirfeet.

"Ican't believe I'm doing this. I wonder what my colleagues at theAcademy would think of me," Maya nervously mutters aloud,attempting to ease her anxiety.

"Perhaps they would consider you out ofyour mind, just as you judge me and Gibbins," Azrael quipswith a smirk.

Maya responds with a sarcastic look as theycautiously progress through the decaying structure. She winces atevery creak of the old, warped floorboards, and her attention catchesa fleeting shadow in the corner of her vision.

She freezes, her breath quickening. Azrael smirks,savoring the moment of Maya's discomfort, and continues to advancewith caution through the decrepit house.

The atmosphere grows cold they can see theirbreath, "We're close, stay alert." Azrael said with hisauthoritative tone.

Maya remains tense, as she eyes the eeriesurroundings. Upon reaching the center of the main hall, Azraelabruptly stops and turns to Maya with a sly grin. "You know,Maya, I've heard stories about this place. They say it's haunted,filled with restless spirits seeking retribution," heteases, intentionally contributing to the eerie ambiance to humbleMaya's pride.

Rolling her eyes, Maya replies, "I knowwhat you're trying to do, Azrael, and I am afraid, but I am notquitting. Haunted or not, we have a job to do. Let's find Matt andget the hell out of here as quickly as possible."

Azrael is struck by a profound sense of respect forthis woman. "Forgive me, Maya," he begins, his tonecarrying a weight of sincerity. "I should be more attuned toyour feelings. You see, Maya, your fear is a potent force that cannourish this darkness, and they will exploit it to their advantage.

As it is written, 'What I feared came upon mequickly, what I dreaded happened suddenly.' These supernaturalentities we hunt, they yearn for fear like children crave sugar,"he elucidates, his words carrying a deeper resonance.

They resume their search, maneuvering through thedusty and dilapidated rooms of the old house. Each creak and groanof the structure sends shivers down their spines, but they press on,determined to uncover the hidden secrets within.

Maya adds, "Some job this is turning out tobe," as she voices her frustration.

Maya's EMF reader flickers on and off. "Thisdevice is picking up something; I'm getting a strange reading,"Maya remarks.

Meanwhile, Azrael detects an unusual fragrance—ablend of lemon, peach, and black pepper, all underscored by a subtlewoody note. Azrael and Maya stood frozen, their breaths caught in thestillness of the haunted corridor. Before them, the White Ladymaterialized, a ghostly apparition of such haunting beauty it seemedas though she had been woven from the very fabric of moonlight.

Her form was a whisper of translucence, thecontours of her ethereal gown blending seamlessly with the air, as ifshe was part of the night itself. The hem of her dress barely kissedthe ground, for she floated, a specter suspended between realms,before the door that had known countless sunsets.

Her presence was a silent siren call, a wordlessbeckoning that resonated in the depths of their souls. Azrael andMaya were equally captivated, bound by the spectral vision that wasboth serene and sorrowful.

DARKNESS OF HEAVEN: CURSED OF THE WHITE LADYWhere stories live. Discover now