The Call

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(BAU Office)

Athena is getting her stuff together for leaving to the crime scene when she suddenly feels a presence behind her so she turns around and Athena flinches as she sees Penelope behind her.

"Oh, Penelope you scared me." Athena says as she looks at Penelope. "Oh sorry I...I didn't mean to scare you Athena." Penelope says quickly.

Athena smiles at Penelope. "So is there something you need Pen?" She asked her with a gentle smile.

"Yeah, actually I just want to tell you to be careful." Penelope says looking at Athena. "You know me, I'm always careful but if it makes you feel better. I promise I'll be careful." Athena tells her.

"That's why I asked you to be careful because I know you." Penelope said as she jokes around. Athena just shakes her head with a smile. "You're unbelievable do you know that?"

Penelope then gives Athena a little push on her arm "okay but now go the others a probably waiting for you love." She says while looking at Athena. "I see you later you technical genius." Before Athena goes she gives Penelope a kiss on her cheek what makes Penelope blush a little and she looks after Athena with a smile as she walks away.


(At the crime scene)

When they arrived at the crime scene Morgen, Prentiss, Valentine and Reid walk to the crime scene with an officer who explained everything he knew to them. Athena's phone then rings, she takes it out of her pocket and someone unknown calls her. She turns to Morgen and he looks back at her.

"Go, we can do this without you for a while." Morgen says giving her an assuring look "thank you Derek." Athena says giving him a small smile before he joins the others to look at the crime scene.

Athena then walks a little away "Hello?" She says as she answers the call. "Hello, Athena. This is the Shadow man speaking."

Athena stops in her tracks when she hears the voice on the other line. " do I know this is real?" Athena says into the phone. "Look in your emails." He says in a calm yet dangerous like tone.

Athena moves her phone away from her ear, to look in her emails to find the email she got sent from the Shadow man. She opens it to see a picture of her, what seems like was taken of her a minute ago. Athena looks immediately around as she sees the picture of herself before she moves her phone back to her ear.

"You are here?" Athena asked as she feels the hair on the back of her neck stands up, while looking around as she begins to get the feeling that someone is watching her.

"Yes I am, I watch you for a while now and today is all about you" he told her, what makes Athena getting an uneasy feeling.

"What...Why? What do you want?" Athena asked him as her unsettling feeling grew. "The same as you, To set DC on the righteous path again, To cleanse it of sinners."

"Isn't that what you want?" He asked her in a calm but yet cold voice. "What no, not by killing people." Athena says while she still is looking around.

"Only the ones who deserve it. People like your FBI friends." Athena stops in her tracks when she hears him saying that. "I know about their sins, where they live. If you try to warn them, I'll know. If you tell your FBI friends we've spoken or your technical analyst girlfriend, I'll carve them like a Jack-o'-lantern." He warns her with a cold voice. "Please, don't hurt them." Athena said with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Then don't you deny me." The Shadow man said before he ends the call and Athena just stands there for a second with her phone in her hand, still shocked from what happened and the warning of the Shadow man is replying in her mind.

Athena then goes back to the others and when she is back at the crime scene the others fill her in, in everything they have right now.

Rossi looks at Athena getting the feeling that something is not quite right. "Athena, can I talk to you for a second?" Rossi asked as he walks away and points out for her to follow him.

Rossi and Athena then walked away from the others to talk. "Are you okay Athena, you don't look good." Rossi asked as he looked at Athena. "When it's too much for you then take a break for a few days." He told her.

"I'm okay but I don't know it's just a lot lately." Athena lied not telling him the real reason why she is acting different.

"Like I told you if you need some time off then it's okay and Hotch would tell you the same thing." Rossi said as he looks at her.

"Yeah, it's probably best if I take some time off." Athena said hoping when she is not at the office then the Shadow man will probably not hurt her friends. "I better go and tell Hotch."

"Good then I see you in a few days." He said as Athena gives him on last smile before walking away to one of the suv's. Rossi looks after her and he can't help but get the feeling she is not telling something before he walks back to the others.

" Where is Athena?" Emily asked curious. "She takes some time off." Rossi informed Emily, Derek and Reid. They nodded their heads understanding it.


Athena has stopped by the office and told Hotch she takes some time off what he understands. After her talk with Hotch she stops by Penelope for a quick second.

"Hey, Penelope." Athena said as she walks in Penelope's lair and Penelope immediately turns around as she hears Athena's voice. "Hey, what are you doing here I thought you were with the others at the crime scene?" Penelope said curious.

"Yeah, well it's a little bit much lately and I decided to take some time off." Athena told her as she walked to her as she then stands beside her chair.

"Oh, okay do you maybe want to talk later after work or maybe go out together?" Penelope asked her hoping to do something that could distract Athena from whatever is going on.

"Talking sounds good but I am not in the mood to go out if that okay." Athena said while looking at Penelope. "Of course that's okay, I then call you later." Penelope told her as she stands up and takes Athena's hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.

Athena gives her a soft smile, excepting her touch. "Okay then I hear from you later." Athena told her as she looks down at their hands before looking back up at Penelope.

"Okay, go home save yeah." Penelope said giving Athena a gentle smile.

Before Athena leaves Penelope and her share a quick kiss before Athena leaves Penelope's lair to go home.

The whole drive home Athena feels bad about lying to her friends but she doesn't have another choice, if she doesn't do that the Shadow man will maybe hurt them and that is the last thing Athena would ever want.

Since she had that conversation with the Shadow man, she constantly has the feeling someone is watching her but she tries not to let that feeling get to her. As she arrives at her apartment she gets out of her car and as she arrives at her front door Athena sees a package with her name on it laying by her door.

Athena looks around still having the feeling someone is watching her and now that this mysterious package is laying there out of nowhere it doesn't make her feel any better. Athena then picks up the package before she goes inside her apartment and immediately close the door behind her.

(Author: Sorry if I didn't update a new chapter for a while, I try to update new chapters as soon as I possibly can but I just have much going on right now in my life and I hope you can understand).

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