Chapter 13 - You got buff (Tae)

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The whining hadn't subsided since she'd walked in the door from work, dramatically throwing her bag onto the kitchen counter before flopping face first onto the couch. It had not been the best day. But her pup didn't know that and after a day being stuck inside, she was desperate to go for a walk.

"OK, OK," Jia grumbled, stretching as she stood up and reaching for the lead. To be honest, she could do with a walk too to burn off some steam. Her boss had been extra demanding and her emotions were a little heightened from the continual interactions. She needed some fresh air.

"Shall we go then," she asked her tiny companion, face softening when she saw the huge eyes pleading as they looked up at her before they lit up and she spun in circles, tail wagging frantically.

Laughing, she walked into the bedroom. "Just give me a minute to change," she said as Tink followed her into the room, jumping onto the bed and whining again. "I can't go for a walk like this," Jia added indicating her work clothes, Tink pulsating at the word 'walk'. Jia didn't even notice she was talking to the dog as if she could understand everything that was said, it was just an understanding between the two of them. Tink would answer with a noise at the appropriate time and Jia would pretend it was a two way conversation. She'd long gotten over the thought that maybe she should get a room mate so she had actual conversation when she got home from work. Humans were too much bother.

Reaching into her bedside drawer for a hair-tie, she paused for a moment as she looked at her trusty purple friend, nestled in a non descript box. It had been a while and some stress release would be ideal so she grabbed it out of the drawer and put it on the bedside cabinet for later. Maybe she'd use it while she watched something that could get her going, bluetooth it to her specific playlist or maybe she'd just wait until right before she went to bed. If she wasn't getting laid, it was the best she could do for now and she actually looked forward to the thought, images already playing in her head of people that could get her juices flowing.

Clad now in a relaxed top and jeans, she walked to the door with a bit more of a plan to her evening, tying on her sneakers as she grabbed the lead from the hall closet, Tink now barking uproariously. "Ssshhhh, we've talked about this. The neighbors don't need to hear all our business," Jia said, laughing as she threaded the harness over her head, buckled it in place and snipped the lead on. "Good to go," she asked as Tink strained towards the door. "I'll take that as a yes," she said, reaching for her keys and heading out into the evening.

It was the end of Summer as it headed to Autumn, sun starting to think about setting and her tummy grumbled a little as she set out towards the park they often walked in. Close enough to the house so that if it rained, they could jog home fairly quickly and big enough that there were multiple places they could walk to keep it interesting for the both of them. Tink set off at a good pace, eager to get to her favourite sniffing zones, heading to a bush to search out all the good smells almost as soon as they stepped foot on the grassed area.

There were quite a few other people around, some cutting through the park on their way home, others exercising or, like her, walking their dogs so Jia kept Tink on the lead so she wouldn't go investigate all the people who may not be so keen on a spaniel licking their knees. As her phone beeped, Jia reached for it to check the notification when Tink took off, almost yanking the lead from Jia's hand as she quickly tightened it, seeing Tink straining to go say hello to a man walking his dog nearby. Glancing briefly, Jia turned to Tink, admonishing her. "Not today girl. We will play for a bit together and then head home. I need a night in front of the television after the day I've had. Do you want to play fetch?"

Tink's ears went up at the word she knew, bounding on the spot and Jia released the lead so it was long enough for Tink to chase the ball but still stay on the lead. There were too many people and Jia didn't feel like chasing after her today if Tink caught sight of someone she wanted to claim as a friend, ridiculously keen to meet every animal or person that passed by. Throwing the ball, the spaniel bounded off to find it, bringing it back in her mouth and dropping it at Jia's feet so she could throw it again. The game continued for a few minutes before Tink decided that a small dog she'd spied was more interesting than the ball, streaking off to greet them with a joyous bark, Jia quickly winding the lead in and running in an attempt to herd her off. But it was too late. Tink arrived at the Pomeranian in a flurry of tongue and ears and before she knew it, Jia's lead was twisted around with the other dogs and she was apologizing as Tink tried to climb the man's leg for a pat.

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