1{i can't believe you didn't tell me?!}p2.💔

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**back to yesterday**

{thomas his point of view}

thomas..it was..... i mean what i am trying to say is.. that..actually.. at first it was just only sex... for me but then... when you kissed me again... and uhh again... it started to feel like i was making love..with you...but... i love damiano...'

'so what am i to you? Just some random guy you fucked?!! That's so fucking classy!really!'

'what ofcourse not..thomas...your my friend...'

'So i am just ''your friend''?!!! Now?!!!'

'N-no...thomas... your not just a random guy i had sex with... and i mean y-your my friend b-but... i mean.... Maybe... it's...arghh!i can't breathe.....i can't catch my brea-arghh!!....thomas could you please get me some water.... Pl-please....'

'what??? Don't act like you can't breathe... come on you s-...'

*and then he realises she's not ''acting''*

'Ooo god...valerlie...baby girl...look at me...'

**he says while grabing her hands***and leading her towards the couch as they both sit on it*

'okay baby girl...look at me... now listen to my voice...take a deep breath okay?...it's fine i am here.. amore...'


'Now keep listening to my voice...amore..your okay...'

'i-i-...iam okay...i think...'

'good....now uhm.. have you had a panic attack before??'

'y-yes... how did you??...'

'Know?? Vic.. she struggleing with this... too..'


'yeah now how are you feeling??...'

'I am okay... i guess... thank you thommy... last time i had one i fainted..and when i woke up dami was there..for me...'

'Aww... but..'

'But what???...'

'nothing amore i am just glad your okay..'



'I-i-..i love you...'



*back to the present*

{damiano'a pov} *little smut*


*silence again*


Okay that's weird i tough she said she was going to take care of the kids..?? Maybe she already puted them down for their.... Wait...oh my fcking god...  she's in our bedroom... havin-and now she's moaning... okay....?....

**and he goes upstairs to their room** and as he looks into their room because the door is half closed he sees  her laying on the bed fully naked touching herself*

(A\N  if you feel uncomfortable.. reading this just read the last  story i wrote ;) )

O-ohh.... she's... fuck she's so hot.... Maybe i should...go back down stairs...before she sees me but god damnn it... so sexy... okay.. may-...

'A-ahh..fck ye...-damiano?!!!!....'

Huh????...ooo... uhm... i wasn't...uhm...looking...'

'How long have you been stading there??..'

'Uhhh....i uhh don't know...'

**he says while waling into their  shared bedroom**

'were you?...i mean...'

'Starting at you??! what??? No!... i mean...no! Ofcourse not..ba-babe...'

'yes you were!damiano!'

'n-no!!...okay maybe.....'

'See?... so you admit it...now i almost... and then you walked in...on me..'

'i-i walked in on y-you??? No!no! I-i didn't!'

'yes you did..now how about we finsh this...and then i will uhm...help you a little...'

*she says with a big smirk on her face*

~to be coniued~


Okay val what your doing right now.. it's stupid...you just told thomas you love him???and now your gonna fck damiano?!! Really???  I swear if you don't make choice...

Okayy i am done with my rant now...


Enjoy,see you next time!😘💋💋

Everytime you break my heart💔🥀 {p2 of another love} {damiano david} ❤️Where stories live. Discover now