4{i made my choice.} ❤️

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**the next day**

{valerlie's point of view}

it's the morning after thom and i had our amazing date.. and yesterday when i walked into his house i started to think about the whole day.. the date me and thomas had..the way he flirted with me.. the way i flirted with him.. during dinner.. everything just fell into place... it wasn't the right time... at all but i fell for him.. and i forgot about damiano... but now that i think about it all i still don't know it... i really love damiano he's my prince.. charming.. and then there is thomas.. the cutest goofball.. and my best.... friend......

Ooo.. my... god....


'goodmorning thommy...'

'did you sleep well?...baby girl..'

'i did..thommy because you were hugging me the whole time...'

'haha that's because your my princess...'

'well.. i am not divcored yet...dami still has to sign the papers...'

'i know... but your not having second toughts?...'

'i d-don't know... thomas.. it's all still.. a bit uhm complicated..'

'okay.. but just know that i will be here for you no matter what your going to do.. or who your going to choice.. i will always be your friend valerie..'


He's sooo cuteee... ugh his smilee so sexy... oh my oh my....

'Haha your blushing...baby girl... haha'

'Don't laugh at me!... it's not funny!!'

'Hahaha it is funny hahaha..'

'Nooo!.....stop it....!'



'Okay..haha okay sorry sorryy..please don't kill me...hahah'

'Thomas!!...i said something!'

'What???... i was just joking...'

'Hehe got ya...'




**later that day** *somewere in rome* *timeskip; 5pm*

{valerlie's pov}
I've made up my mind.. i am gonna tell him how i really feel..about him... i can't hide it anymore.. it's too much... i have to tell him... the only thing i can think of is him.... I need him in my life... i can't live without him... he means the world to me.. i just have to tell him... okay... here goes nothing.... Just...go...... ughhh!!!zz okay...let's knock on the door... fck!! I am so nervous.....


'h-hey...wha-what are you doing here?...'

'i have done alot of thinking...and i realised i can't live without you... your the love of my life... i need you... back into my life...... i-i-...kept thinking about what we've been trough... and it was so fcking stupid.. a-all of it.... The cheating..the lies i told you... the promise i broke..... ev-everything...... it was so stupid of me t-to think that... i had f-feelings for someone... else........ i-can-...fck!!!....'

*she says while the tears stream down her face and damiano is standing in front of her..with tears in his eyes..*

'Valerlie... you crushed me... you broke my heart... into a millon pieces...... when i saw you laying next to thomas..in our shared bedroom...... but..that doesn't mean i don't love you anymore.... Cause.. my love for you has never gone away... babe....'

*and as he says those words to her she says nothing... she just hugs him real tight.. while she just knows deep down inside her mind.. and heart that damiano.. has always been the one for her*

~to be contiued~


Enjoy!, see youu next time<3


Everytime you break my heart💔🥀 {p2 of another love} {damiano david} ❤️Where stories live. Discover now