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*disclaimer; this chapter is based on a true story the rest of this chapter is made up*

{valerlie's point if view} *a couple of days later* * their at thomas his house*

(valerlie gave birth to her baby boy yesterday)

Okay call me crazy but sam and i just talked for almost an hour on the phone.. and we talked everything out.. she told me she was wrong and i wasn't so i guess that's something but then the door bell ring and now she's here i can't believe my old best friend from kinder garden is back into my life i mean after all those things that happend.... Anyways i told her about the thing that i had going on with thom and at first she was pissed but then she realised she and thomas were broken up soo yeahh i called thom and now he's here as well and one of sam's best friends is also here gina i kind of already knew her because sam is friends with her but yeah... i also hope sam is going to behave this time...

'Sooo.. uhm val i was thinking now that we are friends again... uhh i talked with gina when we were on our way.. and uhm i also just talked to thom..and he agreed... but uh... would you be into uhh...i mean.. only if you want it...'

'Sam what are you trying to tell me???'

'Do you wanna have a uhm you know with me thom and gina...'

'What????sex???? With a-..no way..sam! Not again!...'

'but it will be so hot... i mean i know you like girls..'

'Sam! I am not gonna... no! I am still married!'

'So??? Damiano doesn't have to know it...'

'Sam! He and i agreed on not having secrets anymore... i amo not gonna do this...'

'Oh come on val i know you want to... i mean thomas is already you know..horny..because i did so-..'

'Sam!!!! I just gave birth to my second child...yesterday.... Y-..'

'Oh come on.. your gonna love it..'

'Ugh....okay! But please you better fcking promise me this is just one time only!'

'Yeah yeah.. ofcourse'


**later that day** *at damiano's and valerlie's house*

{damiano's point of view}

'babe..i am so glad your all good now..and oh luke and angel, and little carlos are with my parents house.. tonight sooo... uhm i tough we could have a uhm romantic night tonight... just the two of us?...'

'i would love that..dami.. but i miss my little boy... and...'

'What?babe what's wrong??'

'dami.. i-i... i can't even say it i feel so..discusting... i am sorryy...'

'babe your starting to scare me... what's going on with you beauty..'

'well you know sam and i talked right?'

'yeah you told me that..but what does th-..'

*and at that moment he realises it all*

'babe what did you do????...'

'i-i had sex with thomas...sam..and her best friend.....'

*she says while the tears stream down her face*

'What???? See this is why sam isn't good for you babe..! She makes you do things that are not right..to do when your married..'

'i know...i-i know... i feel s-so...so gross.....dami.. i don't know what to d-do anymore....fck!!!...'

'Shh...come here baby..'

*he says while takes her into his arms creasing her back to calm her down*

'i-i-... i really don't know what to do anymore..'

'Shhh..your gonna be okay..i will take it from here okay?...i am gonna put an end to this okay? You hear me babe..'


'I love you babe..so much..everything will be fine..'

'I-i love you to...'


Enjoy! See you next time!❤️😘💋✌🏻

Everytime you break my heart💔🥀 {p2 of another love} {damiano david} ❤️Where stories live. Discover now