Chapter Six

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Tobias and I headed back to his apartment late at night, after hanging out and eating with Uriah, Zeke and Christina, I surprisingly wasn't tired at all. I walked around the apartment cleaning up random things while Tobias logged everything that happened today. He likes to keep track of day by day events, so that way it's easier for us to rank the initiates at the end of initiation.

"Well weren't you a little firecracker today," He says putting his pencil down.

"Maybe it was the extra thirty minutes of sleep I got this morning," I retort sarcastically. I grab an old pile of paper from his desk and throw it in the trash.

I grab a broom from the closet and start sweeping. I feel the broo, being removed from my hands. Tobias leans the broom against the dresser and rest his hand on my hips, turning me around.

"Tris, my apartment is clean enough," He says quietly.

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm just so stres-"

"Shh," He says.

I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck. His thumb brushes against the skin on my hip that my shirt reveals, sending a shiver up my spine. He slowly leaned down and plants a soft kiss on my mouth. For the first time today. We've been so busy with helping the initiates, and we obviously can't kiss, let alone touch each other, in front of them. Teh we hung out with Christina and Zeke and Uriah. Just as I was about to give him another kiss, there was a knock on the door. He sighs, pulling away and walks towards the door.

"Four?" A female voice said. Huh?

I saw a sliver of Layla's sandy blonde hair through the door. Shoot! I quietly scurried off into the bathroom. She can't see me in his apartment at eleven at night. That would be kind of a big giveaway. All though I'm very tempted to go out there just to see the look on her face. Why is she knocking on my boyfriend's door at eleven at night?

"Hello?" Tobias asks, confused.

I peeked out the crack from the bathroom.

"Hey, can I come in?" She asks.

"I'm not sure if-" She ignored him, walking into the apartment. Swaying her hips just the slightest.

"What's the matter Layla?" Tobias asks in his instructor voice.

"Nothing's the matter..."

He crosses his arms uncomfortably, "Then if nothing's matter... Why are you in my apartment at eleven at night? We train early tomorrow," Tobias's eyes dart to the bathroom door, where I'm hiding, then he quickly looks away.

She blushes, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. I glare at her through the crack in the door, "Oh. Oh, right. I-uh... I was wondering.. Uh... What can I do to rank better?"

"We've only had one fight, Layla. And we haven't even started anything else yet. Tris and I told you everything you need to know today. Why didn't you ask us earlier?"

"Uh. I don't know," She said, hesitantly walking closer to him. I caught a glimpse of her outfit. She's wearing a strappy tank top and silky shorts.

"Ok... Well, you don't have to be worried. Considering you don't even know your rank yet. So uh... Goodbye and I'll see you tomorrow."

She tries to walk closer to him but he stops her, "Layla. Out."

She blushes and waves goodbye. Leaving his apartment.

Once the door is closed I storm out of the bathroom, "God I hate that Chick."

"Tris? You okay?" he asks.

"No. I'm not okay Tobias. That girl obviously likes you! I don't like her at all! I can't even stand a metre close to you! And if I do, she glares at me! I keep hearing her talking about how handsome you are! I know I can't blame her for thinking that! I mean, look at you! I just hate to stand there, while some snobby sixteen year old flirts with my boyfriend!"

He just stares at me.

"Look. I'm sorry. I just- I-" I take a deep breath, "I hate that I can't be near you. You are mine and mine only. I just don't want some stupid snobby chick all over my boyfriend," I look away.

Tobias turns me so I look at him, "Tris. I love you. And you only. I don't have any feelings for Layla. I need you to trust me on that."

"I know I just hate that she likes you."

"Tris she doesn't like me," he says smiling.

I look at him, "What do you mean?! Of course she likes you!"

"No she doesn't, Tris."

"Yes she does Tobias! If she didn't, why would she appear at your apartment at eleven at night! Clearly not wearing anything!"

"Tris, can we not fight about this?"

"I'm not fighting. I'm stating the truth."

"Oh my god Tris! Will you stop? She's just an ordinary initiate who cares about her rank!"

"No she's not! Now will you stop acting dumb Tobias? Just admit that she likes you!"

"She doesn't like me! You're just being... Jealous!"

Oh he did not say that. I grind my teeth, "If I'm so jealous why not date her instead?"

"Stop yelling!"

"You stop yelling!"

"You started this!"

"My god! Just admit that she likes you!"

"She doesn't"

"Yes she does!"

I storm out of his apartment and across the Dauntless compound to my apartment. I flop onto my bed and cry myself to sleep, in a bed that's too big, for just my small frame.

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