part 1

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"Jhon?, (here!) Nancy?, (here) Maria?, (present)-". Haha! Mark laughed. "Who in the world  says present, your such a nerd!". Mark laughed outloud making fun of Maria. Maria stood up slamming her hand of desk "I'd rather be a nerd then be a dumb empty head like you!". Mark was taken back by the insult standing up and slamming his hand on his desk,"You-!". "Thats enough of both of you too Mark!, Maria!, stand outside on one leg for 20 minutes both of reflect on your disgusting behaviors!."  Maria protested "But miss Williams he starte-". She dint let her finish "Out!" They both sighed before walking out. "Ugh I swear these two are giving me Grey hairs" the teacher murmured before going back to teaching. (Meanwhile outside the classroom) "Ugh, u absolute imbecile ur! Impossible!" Maria groaned trying to keep her balance "Why so stubborn Just stand on both feet she won't notice anyways." Maria ignored him "Shutup annoying". "Oh plz u know u wouldn't live without me." Mark exclaimed smirking, "Why u!-" ah! She lost her balance and fell face first but right before she could hit the floor Mark caught her in his arms Mark looking deep in her eyes not able to look away for a moment their was butterflys in both their stomachs. "point prooven", Mark blurted. "Ugh", Maria rolled her eyes pushing him away "Why u always so narcissistic! ". They kept arguing so much the teacher had enough of them and punished them with after school cleaning.

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