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Running late Mark took Maria's hand as they ran to class, rushing inside out of breathe. "Ex- exuse us (panting) alarm dint go off". The whole class opon seing them became silent. After they had both caught their breathe they realized the whole classroom was deadly silent "What? Is going on". Mark turned to the classroom then the teacher she had the same expression as the class she was looking down at his hand. Mark looked down at his hands witch was holding Maria's hand. Maria feeling scared and tried to pull away but Mark kept his grip and instead waving their hands in the air "Everyone!" He cleared his throat Maria looked up at him "Maria is now MY girlfriend!". The class filled with gasps and suddenly everyone was talking and cheering Mark turned to Maria and gave her a warm smile she was blushing and laughing they both took a seat and where emidently bombarded with questions but the teacher slammed her desk "Good news but its still class so pay attention!".

Lunch break: "Over here! Mark!" Maria waved to her boyfriend to sit with them he came Running and sat right next to her. "Love, you look bright today is cuz me YOUR boyfriend is so hot" Maria rolled her eyes with a laugh "Some things never change do they" they all laughed they chatted for so long some people just stared at how cheerful they where. "Maria?" Mark called, Maria replied with a muffled yes because her face was stuffed with food Mark put his hands gently on her face and wiped some ketchup from the corner of her mouth they locked eyes but the contact was broken. *cough* Davids, Marks bestfriend broke the ice and they quickly looked away blushing. "Being lovey dovy right in front of single people should be a crime!". "Your just mad you don't have a partner" Maria laughed they went back to chatting.

After-school: Walking out of the school and towards the parking lot, Mark and Maria held hands getting a flew glances from people. "Oh I'm exhausted and my shoulders hurt." Maria looked up at him with a smile. "Dont worry I can give you a shoulder massage when we get to your place". Mark looked at her with loving eyes. "Thats great! But plz don't say my place, say home because your my lover now." Maria took his arm being. "Okay then darli-" Maria paused completely frozen. Mark looked at her face. "Whats wrong love?", He realized she was looking at something he turned to see what she was looing at. Far away he saw her parents looking around campus. Maria's parents saw them and started running to her but Maria was scared she grabbed Marks hand before running away. "Run!" They ran hand in hand. They ran to the car and drove home quickly. Upon getting inside Mark sighed. "Uhhh, finally! That was wild Maria are you okay..." She dint respond she was in a haze taking of her shoes she just left and went to take a shower. Mark felt worried he realized her parents situation was really affecting her. When Maria got the shower she felt a lot of relief she put on Marks cloths because she dint have a change of cloths. She smiled looking down at his cloths on her she felt warm and fuzzy. " Mark I wore ur cloths I hope u don't find!". She exclaimed walking into his room. Tere wasn't a respond she came out the room and Mark was no where to be seen. "Mark!?" She started to panack but then saw a letter on the sitting area table she took the letter and read it ( I'll be right back don't go anywhere there dinner in the fridge love ~ Mark )

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