"More then the grains of sand on earth"

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After she fell asleep Mark drove her to his apartment since and placed her in his bed while he slept on the couch. "Mark!?". Mark was woken by Maria's scream he went to her and opened the door. "Whats all the commotion? He was brushed his hair his hands, and yawned. "You explain to me why I'm in your apartment right now!". "Chill! u fell asleep so I took u home since ur parents practically hate my guts I dint dare bring their sleeping daughter home in my arms.". Maria looked at him with a death stare "You idiot why dint you just wake me up??? Now my parents are probably worried to death." She jumped out of the bed "You realize your 17 not 9 your not a child anymore your a grown lady so why would they be so worried." "Oh shut up your so annoying". "Awwe man just yesterday u where in my arms now your back to hating me how sad." Maria threw a pillow at him "Dont EVER speak of yesterday she screamed and ran out the room. "Hey! U should be thanking me I literally could have left u on the floor at school." He ranted walking into the living room. "I'm hungry what do u have?" She completely ignored his rant. "Ooh strawberry cake!". She took it out the fridge and put a slice on a plate. Mark said as he sat at the table. "You should eat a little faster it's 8:30am school started 2hours ago." Maria almost choked on the cake. She look up at Mark slowly with a death stare. "Why dint you wake me up!!". Mark looked away blushing, "Well, u looked peaceful and cute while sleeping so I though-". Mark turned to Maria and her face was as red as a tomato. "Huh! Are u-! Are you blushing?!" He stood up. Maria quickly got up and cleaned her dish "No! I'm not u idiot". She clearly was blushing. Mark walked up to her "Do you...like me?". "NO", Maria yelled Maria was scrubbing the living heck out of the plate out of embarrassment when Mark placed his hands on her should and turned her around "Say it" Maria's eyes where fixated on his before she gave in "Okay...I- I like you!". She yelled but than her tone and expression changed she looked pained, "But even if I loved you more then every individual grain of sand on this earth we could never be together." Her eyes tuning red and tears forming "Dont you see I've always loved you, u dummy...always!" she let her head fall looking down tears fell from her face "Bu- but my parents won't allow it, they already have an marriage arrangement". She finally let out Mark was in complete shock but quickly anger slipped on his face he hugged her super tight not letting her escape at all. Closing his eyes he confessed. "Maria, since the 1st grade I've loved you and only you never have i ever even looked at another girl with love, do you think my feelings can just disappear because your parents dont approve NO. Never I love you I LOVE YOU SO MUCH."  He eyes his eyes tears rolling down his cheek. "I love more the grains of sand on earth." He whispered. Marias heartbeat begain to raise she was sniffling pulling from his hug she confessed. "I love you, Mark I love you so much i don't want to go home... plz don't let me go home! I want to stay with you...forever". Mark smiled reaching his arms to touch her face, wiping her tears gently he leaned his head closer to her. "Just know I won't ever let you leave". Maria warmly smiled feelings her weight being lifted she felt so loved. "Your stuck with me." She replied.

(Exuse the bad grammar,hope ur enjoying plz comment more ideas or the next plot if ud like so I have more ideas ) > /// <

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