Chapter 32

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What can I expect? I'm the one who left without a word. But why am I the one who's hurting like this? It's not his fault to have a girlfriend in the midst of my absence. It's my fault. So, I have no right to feel this way.

After the encountered we had earlier at school I headed back to the mansion. Since, I didn't finish the semester last year I would take those units again. I was on my bed already but the scene a while ago still haunts me on my mind.

By how he acted earlier means he is really mad at me. My eyes gleamed when I remember that he even pushed me. It seemed I'm going to have a hard time on taming him since he went back in treating me badly. No, it much more worst compared back then.

The next day, I headed straight to the engineering building to find Michael. And I didn't failed, I found him seating to a long bench while reading some papers. An half-smile escaped from my mouth as I saw his forehead creasing. I quickly walked silently towards him so I can't disturb him from reading. But, before I completely reach to his direction he suddenly lifted his head causing our eyes to met.

I felt my stomach growled as he stare at me sharply. My lips separated from each other and feel like I was struck from standing on the ground. His brows snapped together that indicating he doesn't want me to see. That he hates my mere existence in his life.

"Ano ang ginagawa mo rito? At nag-enroll ka pa talaga ha? Did I say yesterday that your presence disgust me? Hindi ka ba makaintindi o sadyang bobo ka lang talaga?" He gnashed his teeth emphasising every every that coming out from his mouth.

Those words was like a needle that pierced my heart into tiny pieces. It brought an inexplicable pain to my senses that made me contorted. How many hurtful words I'm gonna receive from him?

"I'd just need to talk to you, M-Michael. A serious talk. S-so, p-please spare me some of your t-time. It so important. I will e-explain e-everything. I know you're angry at me but can you please set aside your emotions, f-first?" I shuddered.

I bit my lower lip when I realize it quivering. I don't know anymore how I constructed my words without breaking down in front of him. I could feel my feet trembling as I waited him to respond.

"Spare you a time? You even deserve it?" He scoffed.

"Follow me, or you'll be reported in dean's office. Forget your explanation, Antonio. I don't need it. Mas mabuti pang huwag ka nang magpakita pa sa akin." He ordered before he began stepping out from me.

"But M-Micha—"

I was caught off-guard when his voice roared after.

"Ano na naman?! Don't test my patience, Antonio! Alam na alam mo kung paano ako magalit. You won't like it. Tsk. You just ruined my mood by merely showing up." He scoffed.

I sit weakly on the bench as I stared his stance slowly fading away from my sight. I held into my chest as I felt it tighten, a churning pain consuming me inside. My palm was shaking as I tap my chest lighly while I was trying to breath in.

I tried to remember what my doctor says during my therapy and diagnosis. Calm down, Trianah! My face twitched as I find it hard to breath. Shit! I'm having an attack again. I closed my eyes firmly and try to reminisce happy memories.

A lighthouse. A woods. A waves. A sea. A trees. Michael and I. Our first official date in lighthouse where we had a picnic. Yeah, that's it. I was at my happiest that time. A priceless and unforgettable experience. I slowly calm down as I tried to imagine Michael's face in front of me smiling widely. My breathing seems came back to normal after that.

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