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The cemetery was quiet under the soft glow of twilight, shadows stretching like memories across the grass. Nandini knelt before Harshit Singh's grave, the marble cold beneath her trembling fingers.

"Harshit," she whispered, her voice breaking with sorrow. "We were supposed to have forever. You promised."

She traced the engraved letters of his name, each stroke a painful reminder of the life they had planned together.

"Do you remember?" Her tears fell freely now, mingling with the dew on the grass. "We dreamed of a home, a place where laughter would echo in every corner. You said we'd build it together, brick by brick."

The wind sighed through the trees, carrying her grief into the stillness of the evening. Memories flooded back, moments of joy and whispered promises.

"I thought time would heal," she confessed to the silent tombstone. "But each day without you feels like an eternity. How do I go on when everything reminds me of what we lost?"

Her voice trembled with the weight of unanswered questions, the ache of love cut short.

"I'm trying to be strong," she choked out, her hands clutching the locket he had given her, a final gift of love. "But sometimes, I feel so lost without you."

As darkness settled over the cemetery, Nandini lingered a moment longer, as if hoping for a sign, a whisper carried on the wind. But all that greeted her was silence, the absence of his laughter, the warmth of his embrace.

"I'll keep your memory alive," she vowed softly, pressing her forehead against the cold marble. "No matter how much it hurts, I'll carry you with me."

With one last lingering touch, Nandini rose slowly, her heart heavy yet determined. She would face tomorrow, a world forever changed, carrying the love and loss of Harshit Singh deep within her soul.

As Nandini stood lost in her grief at Harshit Singh's grave, a shadow fell over her, casting a chilling silence over the cemetery. Startled, she turned to see a figure cloaked in darkness, his presence ominous and unsettling.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" a voice whispered, low and rasping like a serpent's hiss.

Nandini's heart raced as she peered into the gloom, unable to discern the face hidden within the shadows.

Who are you?" she managed to stammer, her voice trembling with unease.

The figure stepped closer, his eyes gleaming with a hunger that sent a shiver down her spine.

"You don't recognize me?" he taunted, a cruel smirk twisting his lips. "Oh, but I know you, Nandini. I've watched you from afar, longing to touch what's rightfully mine."

Fear gripped her as realization dawned too late. This wasn't a stranger—it was Harsha, his obsession laid bare in the moonlight.

"You belong to me now," he declared, his words dripping with possessiveness. "Come with me, Nandini. We have so much to explore together."

Her instincts screamed to run, to fight, but Harsha's grip was iron as he seized her wrist, dragging her away from the sanctuary of the gravesite.

"No! Let me go!" she cried, her voice echoing through the silent night, pleading for mercy that fell on deaf ears.

The moon cast eerie shadows as Harsha forcefully pulled Nandini through the dense forest, his grip tight and unyielding around her arm. She stumbled, heart pounding with fear and desperation.

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