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Bhairava stumbled through the underbrush, his vision blurred by pain and exhaustion. His wounded eye throbbed, each heartbeat sending a fresh wave of agony through his skull. The forest was dense and dark, but he knew he was close to David’s cabin. He had to be.

The cabin appeared through the trees like a beacon. Bhairava’s heart pounded as he approached, praying that David would listen. He collapsed at the doorstep, his strength finally giving out.

David, hearing the commotion, flung open the door. His eyes widened in shock at the sight of Bhairava’s bloodied form. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice edged with fear and anger. "What happened to you?"

Bhairava looked up, his voice hoarse. "David... I need your help."

David's expression hardened. "You’re Bhairava, aren’t you? The one who killed Harshit?" His hand tightened around the axe he held, ready to strike.

Bhairava raised a hand in a weak gesture of peace. "No, David. It’s not what you think. Please, let me explain."

David's eyes burned with fury. "Explain? You killed my best friend! There’s nothing to explain!" He lunged at Bhairava, but Bhairava barely managed to roll away, his body protesting with every movement.

"Harshit is alive!" Bhairava shouted, desperation in his voice. "It's Harsha who is dead. Harshit is the one behind all this madness."

David paused, his axe hovering in the air. "What? No... that can't be true."

Bhairava struggled to his feet, his breath ragged. "It's true. Meera manipulated me into killing Harsha. Harshit and Meera planned everything. They used me, David. They used us all."

David's grip on the axe loosened. "You’re lying. Harshit was my friend. He wouldn’t... he couldn’t..."

Bhairava stepped closer, his voice filled with a mix of sorrow and urgency. "I wish I was lying, David. Harshit is not who we thought he was. He’s been corrupted by dark magic, driven by a hunger for power and flesh. Meera... she orchestrated everything. I was a pawn in their game."

David’s face paled as the truth began to sink in. "No... Harshit was... he was good. He was kind."

Bhairava shook his head, his single eye glistening with unshed tears. "The Harshit we knew is gone, David. What’s left is a monster. He killed Meera, consumed her for more power. He’s out of control."

David dropped the axe, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "This can’t be happening. How could I not see it? How could I have been so blind?"

Bhairava placed a hand on David’s shoulder. "We were all deceived. But now we have a chance to make things right. We need to stop Harshit, for the sake of everyone we’ve lost."

David looked into Bhairava’s eye, seeing the pain and regret mirrored there. "What do we do?"

Bhairava took a deep breath, steeling himself for the battle ahead. "We gather the villagers. We confront Harshit and end his reign of terror. Together, we can stop him.

David nodded, a spark of determination rekindling in his eyes. "For Harsha. For Nandini. For everyone."

Bhairava's words hung in the air, and David, though shaken, tried to process the unimaginable truth about his best friend. The weight of betrayal and horror pressed down on him, but Bhairava’s next words would cut even deeper.

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