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Days passed but still David's questions are as fresh as his wounds.The smiles once made the house go crazy are gone now.the crackles of his baby can be heard by him only in his dreams.

The air in Umshing was thick with anticipation as Harshit Singh returned with his mother for the annual Goddess Festival, a celebration that once brought joy but now carried a somber undertone after his father's mysterious demise(ch-1)

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The air in Umshing was thick with anticipation as Harshit Singh returned with his mother for the annual Goddess Festival, a celebration that once brought joy but now carried a somber undertone after his father's mysterious demise(ch-1). The streets were adorned with marigold garlands, and the sound of drums reverberated through the village, masking the sorrow that lingered.

The villagers welcomed harshit and his mother Meera with smiles on their face as they returned to umshing their hometown after 22 years of long wait.

The villagers welcomed harshit and his mother Meera with smiles on their face as they returned to umshing their hometown after 22 years of long wait

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Their return made rounds over the village as his father was a very well known person of the village.Some of the important people visited over their house and greeted them with flower bouquets.

The Goddess festival was a vibrant tapestry of colors and rituals, but underneath the surface, sorrow lingered like an uninvited guest. As Harshit walked through the crowded lanes, memories of childhood laughter intertwined with the present melancholy. It was amidst this melancholy that he heard the whispers about David Roy.

Harshit's heart clenched as he learned of David's tragedy—his family, victims of cannibalism, leaving him orphaned in a world turned cruel

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Harshit's heart clenched as he learned of David's tragedy—his family, victims of cannibalism, leaving him orphaned in a world turned cruel. Determined to offer solace, Harshit sought out his childhood friend, finding him sitting alone by the riverbank, eyes mirroring a pain too deep for words.

Their reunion was silent at first, the weight of unspeakable loss hanging heavy in the air. "I'm sorry, David," Harshit finally whispered, his voice cracking with emotion.

David's gaze met his, eyes brimming with tears. "It feels like the world has turned upside down," he murmured, his voice barely audible.

Harshit placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, a silent gesture of solidarity. "You're not alone in this. We'll get through it together," he vowed, the weight of their shared history binding them in a promise of support.

With tears rolling out of his emotionless face david said "even sometimes the shadows we fear are of someone's who are or were the reasons of our happiness.”

Harshit replied "sometimes silence is the best answer until you feel better."he took david with him and dropped him at his home. Later he returned to his home and described all the things that happened with david!

Days passed in a blur of mourning and whispered conversations, each moment etched with the pain of loss. It was during one such evening, as Harshit wandered through the dimly lit lanes, that fate intertwined his path with Nandini Verma.

Their meeting was as mysterious as it was unexpected. Nandini emerged from the shadows like a fleeting apparition, her eyes holding a depth that drew Harshit in. "You must be Harshit Singh," she said, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue.

Surprised yet intrigued, Harshit nodded. "And you are?"

"Nandini Verma," she replied with a smile that held secrets untold.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, weaving through tales of the past and dreams of the future. Harshit found himself captivated by Nandini's spirit, her determination to unravel mysteries mirroring his own quest for answers.

As days turned into weeks, Harshit found himself drawn to Nandini in ways he couldn't explain. Her presence brought a sense of solace amidst the chaos, her laughter a melody that echoed through his thoughts.

Their bond deepened with each passing day, conversations turning from shared grief to shared dreams. "Do you believe in destiny?" Nandini asked one evening, her eyes searching for answers.

Harshit pondered her question, his heart whispering truths he couldn't deny. "I believe in the power of connections," he replied, his gaze locked with hers.

Their love blossomed like a fragile flower amidst the thorns of darkness that surrounded Umshing

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Their love blossomed like a fragile flower amidst the thorns of darkness that surrounded Umshing.

As the 2nd day of the festival arrived... everything was going in a grand way David's mood has been good since harshit have found a way to take off his sorrows by his freindship.

The grand entry of goddess kalika mata can be seen in between the village as people were lost in the divine spirit of the goddess.

Harshit and david were roaming at the middle Village of the village talking about their childhood.The way they enjoyed near the riverbank,the happiness,the joy.

Suddenly the whole village got shattered with nandini's shout as she saw something that was quietly scary and eerie.

At the center of the temple  a lifeless body, mutilated in a manner that spoke of ancient rites and macabre ritual laid. Shocked and horrified, David and Harshit examined the scene, noticing peculiar marks on the corpse indicating an act of cannibalism.

Writing this chapter was literally emotional as a writer.I felt the loss and grief of david roy who just wanted his family to be happy got eaten by someone alive.

On the other hand nandini and harshit's new story opened a gate for new destiny.

Will the lives of the village umshing can be saved from this cannibals?
I hope you all like the story

Stay tuned!

And don't forget to vote, follow and comment your opinion will make me rectify my faults.

Hope you all are having a great day.


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