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Chaptire Cinq: Earth Angel

     The fiery grasp burned its way through her jeans, setting her skin aflame. Vicktoriya screamed before she could even wake up, the holler racking through her frame like an earthquake. When the girl shot upwards, her eyes landed down at the lump trapping her leg. In a feeble attempt to escape, she tried to push back but the hold was tight and firm; it was a death grip.

     "Help..me.." The living corpse cried out and it was then that Vicktoriya realized that it was a person. Probably someone she knew or even a stranger, she was too burnt to tell.

     "No, no, no.." Vicktoriya shook her head, reaching forward to pull her hand off. She pried at every finger, tears stinging her eyes at both the heat and the guilt of prioritizing her own life.

     "Please, save me."

      When she finally got her off, Vicktoriya pushed backwards to create some distance, avoiding what could've been her execution. The apart of the roof fell on top of the burning female, taking her out of her misery. As she rattled in death, Vicktoriya looked back to see find some of the other survivors pushing the emergency exit.

Survivor, the word echoed through her mind. Only God knew how many of them had died. Only he knew why Vicktoriya wasn't one of the fallen.

    When the fuck did she leave the bathroom?

     Just before any of the memories could rush back to inform her, she heard a cry next to her. Blinking out of her state of shock, Vicktoriya turned over. Even though she couldn't save that girl, she wanted to at least save someone other than herself.

     Vick crawled on her hands and knees over the crushed seat, finding a shaking Vanessa Palmer. She tried to reach out to her but every time she held her hand up, she wasn't close enough.

"Help! Help, help! Help. Help me, help me, help me." Vanessa cried out, struggling with her jammed seatbelt. Vicktoriya squeezed her eyes, attempting to regain proper vision in them. When she opened them back up, she found that two other figures had joined them.

Shauna crouched down in front of Vanessa, tugging at the stubborn belt, "Come on, oh God. It's stuck."

It was the sound of her voice that made Vick realize who the duo was. She used Shauna's shoulder to raise up and then joined in, mustering as much strength as she could to help Shauna unbuckle it. They didn't have much time left though, the fire was getting closer, whipping across Vicktoriya's back.

"I can't get out! Can't get out." Vanessa screamed when she realized that it was gaining on them.

"Hurry up!" Jackie yelled, looking between the three girls and what might be death.

"Oh, my God." Shauna shouted, her trembling hands doing nothing to save the girl. Feeling the heat crawl up her legs again, Vicktoriya took a shaky breath before meeting Jackie's eyes. The girls came to a swift and heavy agreement.

The captain bent down, wrapping her arm around Shauna and pulling her back, "Shauna, we got to go. We got to go."

With her only real hope being dragged away from her, Vanessa grabbed Shauna's arm, "Shauna! No! Shauna!"

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