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Pov : Ash

I never believed in the phenomenon of the light at the end of the tunnel, but here I am experiencing it. Seeing that light, I knew this was the beginning-the beginning of my story in this world.

As soon as I reached the light, I heard several voices, including a woman groaning in pain and a man encouraging her. After a few minutes, the sounds ceased, and the distant voices became clearer when I heard, "Congratulations, sir and madam, they are healthy twins."


Are you telling me that what happened before I woke up here was real? Does this mean that this is the world of the beginning after the end??

I looked around and saw the woman who pushed me out of her tunnel. I must admit she is beautiful. I saw her radiating immense maternal love and felt a strong attraction. Is this the reason why children are drawn to their mothers?

I turned my face away and barely turned right to discover the person I assumed was my father, with a goofy smile and tearful eyes, staring at me. He immediately said, "Hello, little Art, little Ash, I am your father, can you say Dada?" I looked around to see both my mother and the house doctor rolling their eyes as my mother managed to tease, "Honey, they was just born."

I took a closer look at my father, and I could see why my beautiful mother was attracted to him. Besides the few loose screws he seemed to have by expecting a newborn to utter a two-syllable word (I'll just give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he said it out of the joy of becoming a father), he was a very charismatic-looking man with a clean-shaven square jawline that complemented his features. His hair, a very damp brown, seemed to be well-trimmed, while his eyebrows were strong and intense, meeting in a sword-like fashion into a V-shape. However, his eyes had a gentle quality, whether from the slight droop at the ends or the deep blue, almost sapphire hue that radiated from his irises.

"Hmm, he's not crying. Doctor, I thought newborns were supposed to cry when they're born," I heard my new mother speak.

The doctor excused himself, saying, "There are instances where the infant does not cry. Please continue to rest, Mrs. Leywin, and let me know if anything happens to Arthur or Asher".

After she was put to rest, I closed my eyes to take a look at my mana core and see if the bastard kept his promise. I found my core faintly glowing white. That's when I knew that bastard gave me what I wanted-a black heart but in its early stages.

The bastard explained that if I wanted my mana core to grow, I needed to meditate and draw mana into my heart until it turned black. Unlike the mana system in this world, which starts black and ends white, my black heart starts white and ends black. Although my core will continue to grow in terms of mana, its color will not change.

All this thinking made me feel extremely tired, and I saw myself succumb to the darkness that engulfed me, thinking only one thing: 'Damn this infant body.'

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